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177 Easy to Use Sales Metrics

        posted by , July 01, 2011

To say that sales metrics are critically important is a understatement. Failure to measure — or measuring the wrong things can sabotage your revenue, margins, cost efficiency and reputation.

Metrics provide critical information to decision makers. They also have the power to motivate your marketing and sales teams.

Sales metrics need to be tailored to your business — here are 177 examples to inspire:

sales metrics

Sales Metrics

1. Revenue

2. Margin

3. Customer Attrition Rate

4. Revenue by Product

5. Revenue by Territory

6. High Margin Sales
Percentage of revenue over a target margin.

7. Market Share
Often broken down by product or market segment.

8. Share of Wallet
Average share of customer's budget related to your products (measures upsell potential).

9. Projected Revenue
Often sliced and diced by product, territory, market segment etc..

10. Recurring Revenue
Often measured as monthly recurring revenue (MRR).

11. Projected Margin

12. Sales P&L
Profit and loss for sales activities — often broken down by product, territory etc...

Business Development

13. Product Launch Rate
Number of products successfully launched.

14. Average Time to Launch
How long does it take to launch a new product?

15. Launch Failure Rate
Percentage of new products that enter development but never successfully launch.

16. Average Launch Cost
Average cost to develop a new product.

17. Average First Year Sales
Average first year revenue of new products.

18. First Year Failure Rate
Percentage of products that are launched but have no significant sales in the first year.

19. ROI for Business Development
Return on investment for product development costs.

20. Percentage of On-time Launches
Percentage of product launches that hit scheduled milestones.

21. Budget vs. Actual
Total budget for product development vs. actual spend. May be broken down by project, product category, division etc...

22. New Products in Pipeline
Total products at all stages of business development.

23. Win Rate (new products)
The win rate (quotes and proposals) for new products.

24. Leads for New Products
Total leads generated for new products.


25.Click Through Rate
Percentage of users that click an ad.

26. Average Time Per Visit
After clicking on an ad — how long do users stay on the site?

27. Number of Reply Cards
How many reply cards does the campaign generate? Reply cards are typically used to generate leads.

28. Campaign ROI

29. Campaign Revenue

30. Coupon Redemptions

31. Web Traffic
Page views for a campaign.

32. Conversion Rate
Percentage of visitors who buy something.

33. Number of Qualified Leads

34. Cost Per Qualified Lead

35. Number of Purchases
The number of purchases directly related to the campaign.

36. Campaign Sales Margin
Margin for sales directly related to the campaign.

Loyalty Management

37.Lifetime Customer Value
Estimated present value of a customer. What is a customer worth?

38. Customer Loss Rate
Percentage of customers that are lost in a given period.

39. Net Promoter Rate
Percentage of customers who say they would recommend your products.

40. Share of Wallet by Customer
Estimation of how much each customer is spending on your products versus the products of competitors.

41. Win-back Rate
Measures success in winning back lost customers.

42. Percentage of Sales to Existing Customers
A key indicator for upselling and cross-selling.

43. Percentage of Renewals
What percentage of customers chose to renew at contract expiry.

44. Key Customer Engagement
How much face-time or interaction do you have with your most important customers?

45. Key Customer Share of Wallet
Share of wallet of large or strategic customers.

46. Customer Satisfaction Rate
Percentage of customers who say they are happy with your products and service.

47. Customer Visits to Website
How engaged are customers with your web presence?

48. Average Time with Customer
How much face-time or interaction do you have with customers (on average)?

49. Loyalty Program Redemptions
Tracked both as a cost and as an indicator of interest in the loyalty program.

50. Loyalty Program Membership
Total members or total active members.

51. Number of Referrals
How many new customers say they were referred?

52. Percentage Customer Survey Response
A good response rate indicates interest in the company and accuracy of results.

53. Key Customer Satisfaction Rate

54. Endorsements
How many companies are willing to endorse your company / products?

Promotion / Advertising

How many of your target audience are exposed to your advertising at least once in a period?

56. Frequency
The number of times your target audience is exposed to your advertising in a period.

57. Cost Per Thousand
Cost per thousand ad impressions.

58. Brand Recognition
What percentage of people are aware of your brands?

59. Ad Impressions
Total ad impressions in a period.

60. Subscribers
The number of subscribers to newsletters etc..

61. Brand Perception
Measured by survey questions designed to gauge feelings and opinions about your brands.

62. Knowledge
Measured by survey questions designed to gauge knowledge about your company / products.

63. Click Through Rate
Percentage of users who click on an ad.

64. Number of Events
Participation in conferences etc...

65. Number of Interactions
Tracking of interactions such as visitors to booths etc..

66. Website Traffic

67. Word of Mouth
Social software is making product recommendations etc.. easier to measure.

68. Ad Spend as Percentage of Revenue
Ad Spend can be compared with average industry spend etc..

69. Number of Trials
Sign-ups for free trials.

70. Brand Recognition
Recognition of brand name, logo, sound byte, slogan, offers etc..

71. Number of Followers
Number of followers (social media).

72. Social App Mentions
How many people mention your company / product in social media?


73. Cost per Qualified Lead

74. Number of Leads
Often broken down by product category, territory etc..

75. Lead to Opportunity Rate
Percentage of leads that become opportunities.

76. Lead Qualification Rate
Percentage of leads that qualify.

77. Lead to Close Rate
Percentage of leads that become closed deals.

78. Average Time to Contact
The average time it takes to engage customers that become qualified leads.

79. Contact Rate
Percentage of qualified leads that have been engaged by marketing or sales.

80. Average Lead Quality
Leads are often scored as part of the qualification process — this is the average score.

81. Average Revenue Per Lead
How much revenue does the average qualified lead generate in the first year?

82. Recycled Leads
Percentage of leads that have been in the sales funnel in the past.

83. Leads by Source
The number of qualified leads from various sources.

84. Average Lead Quality by Source


85. Avg. Opportunity Age

86. Opportunity Leakage
Opportunities are delisted for various reasons — usually because it becomes clear they are not interested in making a purchase.

87. Opportunity to Close Rate

88. Contacts Per Opportunity
Average number of contacts associated with opportunities. Contact data is critical to the sales process.

89. Quotes Per Opportunity
Average number of quotes issued per opportunity.

90. Percentage of Opportunities with Plan
How often are sales plans developed for opportunities?

91. Average Time Since Last Contact
A good way to track how aggressively opportunities are being pursued.

92. Average Face Time Per Opportunity

93. Percentage of Opportunities with Competitive Analysis
How often is a competitive analysis developed for opportunities?

94. Proposals Per Opportunity

95. Quotes Per Opportunity

96. Sales Cost Per Opportunity

97. Projected Value Of Opportunities
An estimate of total revenue for all opportunities in the funnel.


98. Quote Win-Loss
What percentage of quotes result in a sale?

99. Number of Quotes

100. Value of Quotes
Value of quotes outstanding.

101. Average Quote Margin
Average margin of outstanding quotes.

102. Quote Turnaround Time
How long does it take to deliver a quote to a customer (on average)?

103. Quote Approval Time
How long does it take to get a quote approved (a common bottleneck in the quote process)?

104. Cost Per Quote
What does it cost to produce a quote?

105. Percentage of Formal RFQ
What percentage of quotes are the result of a formal RFQ?

106. Value of Quotes by Product
Value of quotes outstanding by product.

107. Value of Quotes by Territory

108. Average Quote Margin by Territory

109. Value of Quotes by Rep.


110. Proposal Win-Loss
Win-Loss analysis may generate many metrics. At a minimum you should know your win-loss rate.

111. Number of Proposals

112. Value of Proposals
Value of proposals outstanding.

113. Average Proposal Margin

114. Proposal Turnaround Time

115. Proposal Approval Time

116. Cost Per Proposal
Often expressed as a percentage of proposal value (averaged for all proposals in a period).

117. RFP Response Rate
What percentage of RFPs are pursued?

118. Average Chance of Win
Proposal teams are asked to estimate chances of a win.

An important variable for revenue forecasts — so important that executives often want to see it. Example: The sales projection for the month is $90 million based on a average chance of win of 88%.

119. Average Proposal ROI
Return on the cost of the proposal.

120. Value of Proposals by Territory

121. Win / Loss by Reason Code
Why are you winning and losing deals?

Sales Funnel Management

122.Value of Funnel
Projected value of deals in the funnel.

123. Projected Revenue
Projected revenue for a period.

124. Projected vs. Actual
How accurate were your revenue forecasts?

125. Projected Margin

126. Funnel Leakage

127. Flow Rate
Usually the average time from lead to deal.

128. Sales Trend by Territory
Percentage increase / decrease in sales by territory.

129. Margin Trend by Product
Percentage increase / decrease in margin by product category.

130. Arrival Rate
The number of new leads, opportunities, proposals etc..

131. Revenue Growth Rate

132. Sales Duration by Stage
Flow rate broken down by funnel stage.

133. Value of Funnel by Territory

134. Product Mix by Stage
Example: percentage of leads that are for a given product category.

135. Value of Funnel by Product

136. Sales Trend by Stage

137. Sales Trend by Product

Sales Force Management

138.Average Revenue Per Rep

139. Retention Rate (top performers)

140. Incentives Paid

141. Average Workload
How many hours are sales people working?

142. Percentage of Time with Customer
How much time are sales people spending with customers?

143. Average Sales Calls Per Rep
How many sales calls happened this week?

144. Percentage of List Price Per Rep
How close are deals to the list price (broken down by sales rep)?

145. Average Ramp Time
How long does it take a new rep to achieve average results?

146. Dormant Accounts by Rep
Are reps neglecting existing accounts?

147. Percentage of Reps on Target
What percentage of reps are on target?

148. Incentive Spend as Percentage of Revenue

149. Sales by Territory

150. P&L by Territory
Profit and loss by territory.

151. Percentage of Target Achieved by Territory

152. Percentage of List Price by Territory

153. Average Closed Deals Per Rep

Sales Strategy

154. Competitive Knockouts
How many times have deals been closed against the odds (i.e. against stronger competitors)?

155. Strategic Product Revenue

156. Strategic Customer Revenue
Revenue from strategic customers (i.e. customers with significant wallet size).

157. Sales Strategy ROI
The return on investment for a specific sales strategy. Example: ROI for launching a new product line.

158. Strategic Customer Retention
Retention rate for strategic accounts.

159. Sales Costs as a Percentage of Revenue

160. Percentage of Target Achieved

161. Percentage of Target Achieved by Region

162. Percentage of Target Achieved by Product

163. Percentage of Target Achieved by Market Segment

164. Percentage of List Price by Product
How close are deals to list prices?

165. Margin by Product

Reseller / Partner Management

166. Revenue by Partner

167. Margins by Partner

168. Percentage of List Price by Partner

169. Product Mix by Partner

170. Win-Loss Rate by Partner

171. Projected Partner Sales
Projected revenue broken down by partner.

172. Projected Partner Margins

173. New Partners / Attrition
Partnerships established versus lost.

174. Cost of Incentives
Cost of partner incentives (often expressed as a percentage of revenue).

175. Percentage Target Achieved by Partner

176. Sales Trend by Partner
Percentage increase / decrease in revenue broken down by partner.

177. Customer Satisfaction by Partner

20+ examples of business strategies.

How do you set your prices? The dynamic and intensely competitive part of marketing strategy.

Tactics are micro-strategies that take advantage of opportunities as the develop.

Quality is more than a mobile phone that doesn't break or an operating system that doesn't crash. Quality is the value of technology.

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