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The 27 Capabilities of Enterprise Software

        posted by , May 12, 2011

What is the difference between low and high quality enterprise software? What is the difference between modern and legacy software?

There are 27 basic capabilities of software that help to measure the maturity and quality of software:

enterprise software capabilities

1. Usability

Ease of use and learnability.

2. Accessibility

Degree of availability to as many people as possible.

3. Security Vulnerabilities

Security vulnerabilities in the software such as bugs or design flaws.

4. Securability

The ability to enforce permissions for operations and resources.

5. Stability

Software uptime.

6. Openness

Transparency of source code, architecture, design, APIs, interfaces, standards and documentation.

7. Interoperability

The ability to interact and exchange information with other software.

8. Standards Compliance

Compliance with established norms, customs, conventions, agreements, processes, practices and methods. Standards may be in the business, technical or regulatory domain.

9. Functionality

What the software can do.

10. Accuracy

The precision or correctness of computed values, estimates and predictions.

11. Credibility

The trustworthiness and expertise of the organization responsible for creating and maintaining the software.

12. Relevance

The degree to which the software satisfies a need or desire.


The popularity of the software.

14. Operability

The complexity, costs and risks associated with operating the software.

15. Deployability

How easy it is to install the software and deploy updates.

16. Robustness

The ability of software to cope with errors. Robust software handles errors in a controlled fashion and continues to operate normally. Also known as fault-tolerance or graceful degradation.

17. Resiliency

How easily the software recovers from a disaster.

18. Maintainability

How easily defects and design flaws can be fixed.

19. Extensibility

The ability of the software to be extended in the future. Extensible software provides effective hooks and mechanisms for adding new capabilities.

20. Reusability

The degree to which segments or components of the software can be used to build something new.

21. Testability

How easily the software can be tested.

22. Traceability

The ability to determine the chronological history of events and data access. Important for audits and security.

23. Performance

Software speed — how quickly the software can reply to requests under a particular workload.

24. Scalability

The ability of software to handle higher loads when allocated more resources.

25. Multitenancy

A single instance of software that can be shared by multiple tenants.

Multitenant systems provide virtual partitioning of data and configuration. Often the user interface and functionality of the software can be customized for each tenant.

26. Mobility

Accessible from many locations using a variety of devices (mobile devices, public terminals etc..).

27. Simplicity

The overall complexity of the software — simple software has a lower total cost of ownership.

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