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The Borg Guide to Social Media Marketing

        posted by , August 05, 2011

How would The Borg approach social media marketing?


The Borg would take a highly automated, centralized approach:

social media marketing

A social media monitoring tool would be used to push social content to the collective (legal, marketing, sales etc...). The collective would then use powerful enterprise software to come up with social media responses.

Would it work?

It is no fun to socialize with a highly automated collective.

This is where many social media strategies go wrong. Companies realize the importance of social media marketing — but try to automate and centralize it. This always backfires — no one is interested in socializing with the marketing or legal department of a corporation.

A better approach is to establish genuinely social relationships with customers.

When best practices become strategies unto themselves competitive advantage quickly erodes.

Positive risk is almost a philosophical thing. It's all in how you look at it. Many people are convinced it doesn't exist.

The relatively new economic concept behind the strategy of innovative companies such as Google.

Who's watching the watchers?

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