Eggplant is a dark slightly brownish purple based on the fruit of the same name. Eggplants are different shades of purple depending on factors such as ripeness. There are also two major varieties of eggplant known as European and Chinese eggplants with the latter being a slightly lighter purple that is also less brownish. As a color, eggplant is a bold and warm color that is perceived as unusual due to the relative rarity of purples in nature. Eggplants are known as aubergine in Europe. There are several colors based on this name that reflect the colors of European varieties of eggplant. The following are common eggplant colors.
Dark Eggplant #330033 Aubergine #372528 Cured Eggplant #380835 Aubergine Mauve #3b2741 Greek Aubergine #3d0734 Eggplant #430541 Ripe Eggplant #492d35 Eggplant Tint #531b93 Aubergine Perl #5500aa Eggplant #3 #614051 Eggplant #2 #7e2553 Light Eggplant #990066 Eggplant Violet #991199 Neon Eggplant #f9006f
NotesEuropean eggplants have a definite brown tinge as seen here.Chinese eggplants are more purplish and less brown.
Color Palettes
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