12.74 % Luminance
13.01% Luminance
17.79 % Luminance
18.12 % Luminance
18.42% Luminance
18.78% Luminance
21.40% Luminance
25.02% Luminance
49.69 % Luminance
50.29% Luminance
Color is a result of human perception. As such, which color above do you perceive as half way between the white and black?On a digital screen the brightness of colors is massively influenced by the brightness of your screen. Change your screen brightness to different levels and the greys above will look very different. This is one of the reasons that people are often disappointed with the colors of items purchases on ecommerce sites as their screen was too dark or too bright when they viewed it.As you can see from the chart above, the HTML/CSS color space can't exactly represent important middle grey colors such as 18% grey card or the geometric mean of white and black of 12.91%.Middle grey is essentially a technical term. The similar term medium grey can be used to describe colors that are close to middle gray that may be tinged with color. #ffffff