Adirondack Red Potatoes | Azaleas |
Bubble Gum | Bubbles |
Cakes | Camellia |
Candy Hearts | Carnations |
Chalk | Cherry Blossoms |
Chioggia Beets | Conch Shells |
Coral | Cotton Candy |
Crayons | Cripps Pink Apples |
Cupcakes | Dolls |
Dragon Fruit | Dresses |
Fiberglass Insulation | Flamingo Lawn Ornaments |
Frosting | Fuchsia Flowers |
Guavas | Ham & Prosciutto |
Hibiscus | Jellyfish |
Kimono | Kunzite Crystals |
Lipstick | Lollipops |
Love Potions (Mythical) | Lychee |
Macrons | Nail Polish |
Orchids | Peaches |
Peonies | Piggy Banks |
Pigs | Pink Amethyst |
Pink Armadillo | Pink Asters |
Pink Aurora | Pink Balloons |
Pink Beaches | Pink Bellflower |
Pink Blush | Pink Buttercup |
Pink Butterflies | Pink Cactus Flowers |
Pink Carrots | Pink Cauliflower |
Pink Champagne | Pink Clay |
Pink Clouds | Pink Clownfish |
Pink Cockatoo | Pink Coral |
Pink Corn Snakes | Pink Cosmos |
Pink Depression Glass | Pink Dew |
Pink Diamonds | Pink Dogwood |
Pink Dolphins | Pink Dust Storms |
Pink Fairies (Mythical) | Pink Flamingos |
Pink Fog | Pink Fossils |
Pink Frost | Pink Garlic |
Pink Garnets | Pink Geckos |
Pink Geranium | Pink Geysers |
Pink Glassware | Pink Grapefruit |
Pink Grasshopper | Pink Haze |
Pink Highlighter | Pink Ice |
Pink Icebergs | Pink Ivory Wood |
Pink Jasmine | Pink Lace |
Pink Lakes | Pink Lava Rock |
Pink Lemonade | Pink Licorice |
Pink Lightning | Pink Lilies |
Pink Lotus | Pink Marble |
Pink Marshmallows | Pink Mica |
Pink Mineral Springs | Pink Octopus |
Pink Pansy | Pink Paper |
Pink Pearls | Pink Petrified Wood |
Pink Petunia | Pink Porcelain |
Pink Radish | Pink Rainbows |
Pink Ribbons | Pink Robin |
Pink Roses | Pink Salmon |
Pink Salt | Pink Sand |
Pink Sandstone | Pink Sapphires |
Pink Sea Slug | Pink Sea Urchin |
Pink Shale | Pink Shrimp |
Pink Silk | Pink Sky |
Pink Snapdragon | Pink Snow |
Pink Soapstone | Pink Spinels |
Pink Sponges | Pink Stalactites |
Pink Sugar Cookies | Pink Sweet Potato |
Pink Sycamore Wood | Pink Taffy |
Pink Tides | Pink Tourmaline |
Pink Truffles | Pink Tulips |
Pink Turnip | Pink Twilight |
Pink Unicorn (Mythical) | Raspberries |
Rose Gold | Rose Quartz |
Rosewood | Salmon |
Sea Stars | Seashells |
Strawberry Cheesecake | Strawberry Ice Cream |
Strawberry Milk | Sunrise & Sunset |
Pink Foods
Foods and beverages that are naturally pink or that have pink variations. For example, strawberries are pink when unripe but red when ripe. However, they also are pink when crushed and blended with milk producing a large number of pink foods such as strawberry yogurt.
Pink Sweets
Pink is amongst the most common colors for candy and desserts. This can be due to natural colors such as strawberry and raspberry. Desserts and candy are also colored pink to symbolize youth, femininity and fruitiness. Pink attracts attention and also has an inherently soft feel making it an effective color for soft desserts such as cake.
Pink Animals
Pink is a rare color for animals. As with other colors of animal, this can serve some purpose such as camouflage or social signaling. There is also the interesting case of pink flamingos and pink salmon that turn pink due to their diet of algae and crustaceans that contain pigments known carotenoids.
Pink Flowers
Pink is a natural adaptation for flowers because it is a rare color in nature and flowers seek to attract specific pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Some pink flowers have also been created with selective breeding and horticultural practices. This is done because pink is a popular color for flowers due to its associations with femininity and romance.
Pink Materials
Naturally pink or pinkish materials include gems, minerals, woods, metals and organic substances. There are also many artificial materials that are commonly pink such as fiberglass insulation, pink fabrics, silk and lace.
Pink Objects
Natural and human-made objects that are often pink. These are mostly art supplies, cosmetics and fashions. Pink objects also include iconic novelty items such as flamingo lawn ornaments and piggy banks.
Pink Oddities
Naturally pink weather, geology and other natural occurrences. This includes pinkish light events caused by factors such as atmospheric conditions and Rayleigh scattering. It is also possible for water, ice, snow or geological formations to turn pink due to factors such as algae blooms.
Pink is a relatively rare color in nature that nonetheless occurs in hundreds of plants, minerals, animals, environments, atmospheric conditions and weather events. Perhaps the most iconic pink things are flowers. This may contribute to the soft and fragrant feeling attached to the color that has been adopted by culture to represent concepts such as youth and femininity.