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John Spacey, December 23, 2020 updated on January 16, 2021
Culture is common meaning and understanding that emerges from the shared experiences of groups. All durable groups develop a unique culture including societies, cities, communities, arts, hobbies, sports, professions, organizations, teams and families. Culture is social, warm and human. It emerges and can't be centrally controlled. Culture is viewed as the height of human accomplishment, value and sophistication. As such, culture is contrasted with the technical, cold, unsophisticated, natural, unsociable, unfeeling, systematic and primitive. The following words can be considered opposites of culture.
anomie | backward | barbaric | basic | beastly | brutish | bureaucratic | businesslike | cold | crude | cultureless | detached | dispassionate | distasteful | graceless | heartless | impassive | impersonal | inanimate | inelegant | infantile | instinctive | isolated | juvenile | lifeless | loutish | lowbrow | machinelike | mechanical | mechanistic | methodical | monotonous | natural | numb | oafish | passionless | practical | primitive | robotic | rough | savage | spiritless | standardized | systematic | tasteless | technical | tone-deaf | uncivilized | uncouth | uncultured | undeveloped | unemotional | unfeeling | unfinished | unpolished | unrefined | unsentimental | unsophisticated | unthinking | wild | withdrawn |
NotesCulture surrounds all things. For example, technology may be cold and mechanical on its own but is surrounded in a technology culture that makes it part of the human experience.
This is the complete list of articles we have written about culture.
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