Abyssal | Agitated |
Alluring | Angry |
Awe-inspiring | Beautiful |
Bewildering | Bewitching |
Big | Billowing |
Biting | Blissful |
Blue | Blue-green |
Blustering | Boisterous |
Bombastic | Boundless |
Brazen | Breaking |
Breathtaking | Breezy |
Brilliant | Briny |
Brooding | Bubbling |
Calm | Captivating |
Careening | Celestial |
Changing | Chaotic |
Charismatic | Chilly |
Choppy | Churning |
Clamorous | Clean |
Cleansing | Clear |
Coastal | Colossal |
Commanding | Constant |
Consuming | Convulsing |
Coral | Cosmic |
Crashing | Cresting |
Crisp | Crunching |
Crying | Crystal-clear |
Crystalline | Dancing |
Dangerous | Dark |
Dazzling | Deafening |
Deep | Delicate |
Demanding | Dense |
Desperate | Difficult |
Disorienting | Distant |
Dizzying | Dramatic |
Dreamy | Eerie |
Effervescent | Electric |
Elemental | Emerald |
Enchanting | Endless |
Energizing | Enigmatic |
Enormous | Enthralling |
Enticing | Entrancing |
Enveloping | Erratic |
Exciting | Exhausting |
Exhilarating | Explosive |
Exquisite | Fascinating |
Fathomless | Ferocious |
Fierce | Flowing |
Foaming | Foggy |
Formidable | Frantic |
Friendly | Frosty |
Frothy | Gentle |
Glistening | Glittering |
Grand | Gray |
Green | Gusty |
Hazy | Heavy |
High | Humbling |
Hypnotic | Ice-Capped |
Impressive | Infinite |
Inspirational / Inspiring | Intense |
Invigorating | Lapping |
Limitless | Luminous |
Magnanimous | Magnificent |
Majestic | Melancholy |
Mesmerizing | Mysterious |
Mystical | Nostalgic |
Ominous | Peaceful |
Polluted | Powerful |
Pristine | Raging |
Restless | Rhythmic |
Rippling | Roaring |
Salty | Sapphire |
Secluded | Serene |
Sleepless | Sparkling |
Stormy | Swirling |
Temperate | Tempestuous |
Tempting | Tranquil |
Treacherous | Tropical |
Tumultuous | Turbulent |
Turquoise | Twinkling |
Unconquerable | Undulating |
Unfathomable | Unforgiving |
Unpredictable | Unstable |
Unyielding | Vast |
Wild | Wondrous |
Words to describe the ocean include descriptions of its size, conditions, characteristics and color. It is also common to describe the effect that the ocean has on people such as sense, sensation and emotional impressions of the sea.