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An entitlement program is a payment that a government is obliged to make to a person or government department. If this payment isn't paid the beneficiary has legal recourse. This is a way to create social services and support that can't be cancelled in the future. In many cases, those who are eligible for entitlement programs pay into them for many years often in the form of salary deductions. The following are generic examples of entitlement programs followed by specific examples from the United States.
GlobalThe term entitlement program is heavily associated with the United States. In social market economies such as Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, France, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Germany and Netherlands similar laws and programs are referred to with different terms such as "social protection." The scope of these programs may include:Child Benefits | Disability Benefits | Education | Housing | Pensions | Unemployment Insurance | Universal Basic Income | Universal Healthcare Coverage | Veteran Benefits | Workers Compensation |
Workers compensation is a program that compensates workers for injuries and health problems related to their work. Employers pay into this and it benefits them because this is an alternative to lawsuits. In other words, workers can choose either to sue or to accept workers compensation.Child benefits seek to alleviate childhood poverty with monthly payments to parents for each child.A right to education typically spans K-12. Entitlement programs may go beyond this with free University and College for students below a certain family income. This may only apply to Universities and Colleges that are certified as reputable institutions. Alternatively, this may only apply to public universities and education programs funded by the government.
United StatesThe term entitlement program is more or less specific to the United States. The following are examples of entitlement programs in the US.Child Tax Credit | Children’s Health Insurance Program | Medicaid | Medicare | School Lunch Program | Social Security | Social Security Disability Insurance | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program | Supplemental Security Income | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families | Unemployment Insurance | Veterans Benefits | Workers' Compensation Programs |
The list above is not exhaustive and doesn't include programs that may exist at the state and local level.NotesEntitlement program is defined by the U.S. Senate as follows. A Federal program or provision of law that requires payments to any person or unit of government that meets the eligibility criteria established by law. Entitlements constitute a binding obligation on the part of the Federal Government, and eligible recipients have legal recourse if the obligation is not fulfilled. ~ U.S. Senate: Glossary Term | Entitlement, Web, Retrieved June 26, 2020 |
Type | | Definition | A payment that a government is obliged to make to a person or government department. | Related Concepts | |
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ReferencesBlank, Rebecca M. "Evaluating welfare reform in the United States." Journal of Economic Literature 40.4 (2002): 1105-1166.Zimmermann, Bénédicte. "Changes in work and social protection: France, Germany and Europe." International social security review 59.4 (2006): 29-45.Tanzi, Vito. "Globalization and the future of social protection." Scottish Journal of Political Economy 49.1 (2002): 116-127.
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