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Personal assets is property of value that is owned by a person. This includes anything that can be realistically converted into cash. For example, your sock collection probably wouldn't quality but an expensive luxury handbag might be considered an asset. Assets are commonly listed for purposes such as loans, legal disputes, insurance and estate settlement. The following are common examples of personal assets.
Annuities | Antiques | Appliances | Art | Bank Balances | Boats | Bonds | Buildings | Cash | Cash Equivalents | Collectables | Computers | Crafts | Cultural Items | Equipment | Fixtures | Furniture | Houses & Condominiums | Housewares | Investment Accounts | Jewellery | Land | Land Improvements | Life Insurance (e.g. cash surrender value) | Luxury Items | Machines | Musical Instruments | Payments Due | Pensions | Personal Items | Precious Metals | Prepaid Expenses | Retirement Plans | Small Business Equity | Sports Equipment | Stocks | Supplies | Taxes Receivable | Tools | Vehicles |
Payments due is money that you will receive in the future. For example, salary, bonus or dividend payments that you are expecting.Prepaid expenses is anything that you have prepaid. For example, if you paid your rent a year in advance this would be an asset.Small business equity is the value of ownership in small businesses.Taxes receivable are future tax refunds that you are entitled to receive.
This is the complete list of articles we have written about assets.
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