List of 125 Purposes Of Education John Spacey, updated on
The purpose of education is to develop cognitive abilities, talents, knowledge and character strengths. This is as much about the process of going to school, learning and participating in school culture and extracurricular activities as it is about specific knowledge and skills that you may acquire with education. For example, let's say you're studying a difficult topic that you will never use in real life. This process may develop your study skills, research capabilities, resilience, time management, critical thinking and social skills whereby you may gain much from the experience even if the actual knowledge you gain is ancillary.
Personal DevelopmentEducation is first and foremost a means of personal development. This begins with early education and the development of basic social skills and literacy and progresses to high level talents and character strengths. Education provides much more than knowledge acquisition with social, research, cultural and competitive processes that build a person up to be resilient and highly capable.Academic AbilityEducation is something of a purpose onto itself whereby one of the main benefits of academic processes is to cultivate academic ability. For example, the capacity to conduct valid and worthy scientific research or to present critical analysis with scholarly writing.Career PreparationWhen you think about it, everything a student does to be successful at school has some similar process in the workplace. For example, homework resembles task assignments and class discussions resemble meetings. Schools also provide a forum to gain experience with competition and social processes including conflict resolution. Students need to plan and organize work and manage their time. This resembles a simulation of the work environment.Civic EngagementA thriving democracy depends on generations of citizens who are engaged and well prepared to move society forward and deal with issues and risks. This process is known as civic engagement and depends on education to provide knowledge and insight into the rights, freedoms, duties, laws, issues, history, culture and politics of society.Cultural TransmissionEducation plays a large role in the transmission of culture to new generations. This includes basic language acquisition and cultural norms. Education also plays a large role in cultural practices such as art, performing arts and sports. National culture is also transmitted via the classroom. For example, a school that celebrates a national holiday.Social DevelopmentEducation plays a central role in the socialization of youth and in the development and refinement of communication and interpersonal skills throughout life. Belonging to educational institutions is also a common source of social connectedness and support.Next: Goals of EducationMore about education:
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