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27 Agents Of Socialization

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Agents of socialization are individuals, groups and institutions that influence an individual's social development and adaptation. This influence is typically greatest when an individual is young and first learning to socialize, to communicate and to thrive within the norms and rules of culture and society. Agents of socialization also play a role in continually improving social capacities and adapting to change. The following are common agents of socialization.
Authority Figures (e.g. police officers, school principles)
Clubs / Social Groups (e.g. extracurricular activities)
Cultural Participation (e.g. dancing in a festival)
Difficult People (i.e. experience dealing with social conflict)
Employees (e.g. server at a restaurant)
Entertainment (music & films)
Family / Extended Family
Parents / Guardians
Religious Assemblies
Romantic Interest /Boyfriend / Girlfriend
Schools / Teachers
Social Media
Teammates (e.g. sports)
Total Institutions (e.g. prison)
Video Games
Social development is about learning to thrive in a society and culture. This includes the development of character, social skills and social perception in the context of a society including its language, norms, values and rules.
Government is an institution that administers a society. These play a foundational role in socialization, particularly through schools.
Modern video games are often a social environment whereby you may play with others and communicate.


Agents of socialization are individuals, groups and institutions that help to shape our sense of identity and social development.
Overview: Agents Of Socialization
Individuals, groups and institutions that influence an individual's social development and adaptation.
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