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19 Examples of Areas For Improvement

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Areas for improvement is a common field on assessments and self-assessments such as performance reviews. This specifically requires evaluations to include a list of negatives. Areas for improvement can be difficult to answer for self-assessments as you may want to avoid saying anything truly negative about your own performance. Likewise, many managers find this field to be the most difficult portion of a performance review as it requires constructive criticism that could backfire. As such, where there is no significant performance issue it is common to list actionable improvements that avoid indicating any serious problems. The following are illustrative examples.


Missed opportunities for revenue.
Follow up with customers after they leave the showroom to try to recover deals and close.


Cost control and reduction.
Save costs by continually reviewing project risks to cancel projects that are likely to fail early.


Meeting the expectations of a role or profession.
Avoid personal conversations in front of customers.

Self Direction

The ability to handle things independently.
Take action to clear issues independently without direction from management.


Communication such as meetings, public speaking, messages and documents.
Become more active in the team meeting by presenting ideas and taking on action items.

Time Management

The productive and professional use of time.
Prepare for project design meetings to improve the productivity of these sessions.


Openness to ideas and working positively with others. Applies to employees that are overly independent, adversarial or who try to sideline rising talent.
Give junior members of the sales team the opportunity to shine in front of customers.

Work Quality

The quality of deliverables.
Deliver diagrams and data tables that are readable, high resolution and use all available space in your reports and presentations.

Customer Service

The pursuit of customer satisfaction.
Maintain an ever-pleasant demeanor in front of customers including those you perceive as difficult.


Demonstrating attention to detail in work.
Systematically proofread communications before disseminating to customers and other stakeholders.

Decision Making

Improving the quality or speed of decisions.
Document and communicate a decision rationale when you reject stakeholder requests.


The amount of work that an individual or team is completing.
Ship more code changes.


The amount of value created by an individual or team. This is often related to prioritization and throughput.
Sideline distractions to ship more client deliverables.


The amount of value created by capital such as a machine.
Avoid over-purchasing software licenses that go unused for extended periods of time.


Getting people moving is the same direction.
Take the initiative to resolve project issues and establish technical direction.


Developing as a force and presence in an organization.
Push-in to meetings with business units to increase visibility.


Doing what is beyond the obvious.
Seek creative ways to reduce tensions with other members of the team.


Areas for learning.
Improve your product knowledge.


An area where someone needs more real world experience.
Gain experience handling complex customer queries.


Areas where an individual seeks to further improve their talents, skills, knowledge and depth of experience.


In a reference check, it is common to avoid providing areas for improvement or to say something completely non-negative. A good way to do this is to refer to areas that weren't expected of a role anyway. For example, "further develop leadership capabilities" for a sales person who wasn't in a leadership role. Employers will read much into what you say here. As such, any real negativity may derail a job offer.
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