Accelerate | Accomplish |
Accumulate | Achieve |
Acquire | Administer |
Advance | Advise |
Advocate | Aim |
Align | Amplify |
Analyze | Appoint |
Appraise | Arrange |
Assemble | Assess |
Assign | Attain |
Audit | Authorize |
Balance | Begin |
Benchmark | Boost |
Bridge | Broaden |
Budget | Build |
Calculate | Chair |
Challenge | Change |
Clarify | Classify |
Clear | Close |
Coach | Collaborate |
Collect | Communicate |
Compare | Compile |
Complete | Compose |
Compute | Conceive |
Conduct | Connect |
Consolidate | Construct |
Contract | Control |
Convert | Convince |
Coordinate | Create |
Critique | Cultivate |
Customize | Decide |
Delegate | Deliver |
Demonstrate | Deploy |
Describe | Design |
Detect | Determine |
Develop | Devise |
Diagnose | Direct |
Discover | Dispatch |
Diversify | Document |
Draft | Draw Up |
Earn | Edit |
Eliminate | Empower |
Encourage | End |
Enforce | Engineer |
Enhance | Enlarge |
Enrich | Establish |
Estimate | Evaluate |
Evolve | Examine |
Execute | Expand |
Expedite | Explain |
Explore | Extract |
Facilitate | Find |
Fix | Forecast |
Forge | Form |
Formulate | Frame |
Gather | Generate |
Govern | Grow |
Guide | Handle |
Identify | Ignite |
Illustrate | Impact |
Implement | Improve |
Influence | Inform |
Initiate | Innovate |
Inspect | Inspire |
Instruct | Integrate |
Interpret | Interview |
Introduce | Invent |
Invest | Investigate |
Issue | Iterate |
Launch | Lead |
Learn | Link |
List | Maintain |
Make | Manage |
Market | Maximize |
Measure | Mediate |
Minimize | Model |
Modify | Monitor |
Motivate | Move |
Network | Observe |
Obtain | Operate |
Organize | Originate |
Outline | Outpace |
Outperform | Overhaul |
Oversee | Partner |
Persuade | Pioneer |
Pitch | Plan |
Position | Prepare |
Prevent | Proceed |
Process | Produce |
Program | Promote |
Propose | Prototype |
Publish | Purchase |
Push | Qualify |
Quantify | Raise |
Reach | Realign |
Recommend | Reconcile |
Record | Recruit |
Redevelop | Reduce |
Reevaluate | Refine |
Refuse | Reimagine |
Reinvent | Remodel |
Remove | Reorganize |
Repair | Replace |
Report | Represent |
Research | Resolve |
Restore | Retrieve |
Revamp | Review |
Revise | Revolutionize |
Run | Scale |
Schedule | Screen |
Search | Select |
Separate | Set |
Set Up | Showcase |
Simplify | Solicit |
Solve | Specify |
Standardize | Start |
Strategize | Streamline |
Structure | Study |
Summarize | Supervise |
Support | Surpass |
Survey | Systematize |
Target | Track |
Train | Transfer |
Transform | Transition |
Unify | Upgrade |
Validate | Verify |
Win |
Active Voice
It is standard practice to use active voice in business communications whereby you act on the verb. The following is an example of both active and passive voice.Passive Voice
The project was delivered to budget.
Active Voice
Delivered the project to budget.
The project was delivered to budget.
Active Voice
Delivered the project to budget.