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Economic factors are external financial conditions that influence the strategy of nations, communities, businesses and other organizations. These are mostly macroeconomic factors that effect entire industries or the economy as a whole. It is common to identify economic factors as part of strategic analysis processes such as swot or pest analysis.
Barriers to Entry | Barriers to Exit | Business Confidence | Business Cycles | Capital Flight | Consumer Confidence | Cost of Living | Costs | Credit Conditions | Debt (e.g. Consumer Debt) | Deflation | Disposable Income | Exchange Rates | Fiscal Policy | Foreign Direct Investment | Growth Rates | Inflation | Interest Rates | Labor Costs | Labor Productivity | Market Conditions (e.g. Stock Prices) | Market Prices | Monetary Policy | Price Wars | Recessions | Savings | Shortages | Subsidies | Supply & Demand | Tariffs | Taxes | Trade Barriers | Umbrella Price | Unemployment |
Strategic Analysis
This is the complete list of articles we have written about strategic analysis.
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The definition of strategic analysis with examples.
A list of common competitive factors.
A list of common internal factors.
A list of common political factors.
A list of common technological factors that influence strategy.
A list of common culture factors.
A list of common external factors.
An overview of PESTEL analysis with examples.
Everyday examples of economics.
The definition of industrial economy with examples.
A list of common economic issues.
The common types of economic good with examples of each.
A list of common economic opportunities.
An overview of competitive markets with examples.
An overview of what GDP includes with examples.
A list of metallic elements, base metals, precious metals and rare-earth metals.
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