Active Silence | Body Language |
Classes | Coaching |
Competitions | Conferences |
Cooperative Play | Debate |
Emotional Presence | Eye Contact |
Facial Expressions | Fashion |
Handshakes / Physical Greetings | In-store Customer Service |
Industry Events | Interviews |
Introductions | Language Immersion |
Meetings | Mentoring |
Negotiation | Networking |
One-to-one Meetings | Person to Person Sales |
Personal Presence | Physical Distance |
Physical Gestures / Movements | Physical Presence |
Political Rallies | Public Speaking |
Rough-and-tumble Play | Shared Experiences |
Showrooms | Social Meals |
Social Outings / Events | Team Building |
Team Sports | Tone of Voice |
Touching Base | Training |
Travel Experiences | Work Collaboration |
Face-to-face communication tends to have higher impact and creates "real" relationships such that you may feel that you really know others. For example, if you attended classes at a virtual university you may not have as many social interactions such as social meals that create cultural capital, relational capital and a sense of social fulfillment.Aligns To The Human Need to Feel Socially Engaged and Included | Allows For Shared Experiences (e.g. dancing) |
Building Cultural Capital | Contributes to Culture (e.g. school culture or organizational culture) |
Contributes to Social Fulfillment | Creates a Personal Connection (e.g. between a politician and their base) |
Developing Cultural Competence | Developing Relational Capital |
Developing a Sense of Comradery | Making Friends |
Provides Additional Proof That People Are Who They Claim To Be | Reduces Communication Barriers |
Sensing What People Are "Really" Like |
The disadvantages of face-to-face communication are mostly related to the costs of getting people in the same place.Commuting | Cost of Travel |
Cost of Physical Meeting Spaces Such as Offices | Inconvenience |
More Difficult to Schedule | Remote Communication Is More Pragmatic / Practical When People Are Geographically Distributed |
Remote Communication is Generally Faster / Cheaper | Some Individuals Perform Better With Remote Communication (e.g. good at writing) |
Some Individuals Strongly Prefer Writing / Non-verbal Communication | Travel Time |