Audit Risk | Compliance Risk |
Control Risk | Cost Risk |
Detection Risk | Estimate Risk |
Governance Risk | Health & Safety Risk |
IT Risk | Inherent Risk |
Innovation Risk | Model Risk |
Operational Risk | Performance Risk |
Process Risk | Program Risk |
Project Risk | Quality Risk |
Residual Risk | Resource Risk |
Schedule Risk | Strategy Risk |
Internal Risk vs External Risk
Internal risks are fully within your control. External risks are substantially beyond your control. It would be incorrect to think that risks are either internal or external. The vast majority of risks are partially under your control and partially beyond your control. As such, the distinction between internal and external risk isn't always useful and is only used in specialized domains such as project management whereby people want to focus on managing the risks that are fully controllable. For example, project managers aren't typically concerned with whether a project produces business results but rather whether the project delivers to its commitments in areas such as budget, schedule, functionality and quality.Managing External Risk
External risks aren't fully within your control but they are certainly manageable. For example, the competitive risks that your competition will improve their products can be managed by improving your own products.Overview: Internal Risks | ||
Type | ||
Definition | Risks that are fully within your control. | |
A Type Of | ||
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