Absenteeism | Avoids Accountability & Responsibility |
Avoids Action Items | Avoids Work |
Broke the Law | Bypassing Processes or Procedures |
Claims Invalid Expenses | Client Dissatisfaction |
Conflict | Damages Reputation of Firm (e.g. inappropriate rants in social media) |
Deception & Dishonesty | Defeatism & Sabotage |
Destroys Value to Win Political Battles | Discriminates Against Others |
Doesn't Contribute in Meetings | Endangers Health & Safety |
Failure to Consult Stakeholders | Financial Mismanagement |
Frequent Mistakes | Frequently Late |
Frequently Wrong / Inaccurate | Goes Over Budget |
Harassment | High Turnaround Time (slow) |
Hostile to Customers | Hostile to Management |
Hostile to Projects / Strategy | Hostile to Stakeholders |
Hostile to Team | Ideological / Political at Work |
Ignoring Policy | Inappropriate Behavior (e.g. discussing personal life in front of customers) |
Ineffective in Role | Insubordination |
Intimidating Behavior | Intolerance |
Lacks Required Skills & Abilities | Low Resilience (e.g. loses composure when stressed) |
Low Work Quality | Low Work Throughput |
Makes Decisions Beyond Authority | Mismanagement |
Misses Deadlines | Misuse of Technology |
Misuse of Time (e.g. media consumption and shopping at work) | Neglect of Duty |
Plays Political Games | Poor Attention to Detail |
Poor Customer Service | Poor Response to Criticism |
Refuses Required Training | Resistance to Change |
Stakeholder Dissatisfaction | Unavailable During Work Hours |
Uncooperative | Unprofessional |
Unreasonable Waste of Resources | Workplace Bullying |