Achieving a goal | Acquiring a skill |
Being on time | Building a reputation |
Building character | Building out a social network |
Building relationships | Building trust |
Cultivating resilience | Customer satisfaction |
Developing confidence | Developing new knowledge |
Doing good | Earning a degree or diploma |
Earning a professional certification or license | Economic growth |
Feeling good about an accomplishment | Gaining cultural competence and cultural capital |
Gaining experience | Gaining more ties to your community |
Good grades | Graduating |
Happiness | Helping others |
High quality | Higher productivity |
Improved health | Improved well-being |
Improving your quality of life | Income |
Increased efficiency | Increased market share |
Investment returns | Learning |
Learning a language | Learning who you are not |
Life satisfaction | Making friends |
Mastering a talent | Meaningful and epic experiences |
Positive feedback | Reducing cost |
Revenue | Risk reduction |
Saving money | Self-expression |
Self-fulfillment | Sharing knowledge |
Starting a family | Work promotions |