Accountability and ownership | Adaptability and flexibility |
Attention to detail | Budget management |
Business acumen | Business analysis |
Change management across organizations | Coding proficiency |
Communication skills | Conflict resolution |
Continuous learning and development | Cost control |
Creativity and imagination | Critical thinking |
Cross-functional collaboration | Cross-functional leadership |
Cultural competency | Cultural sensitivity |
Customer advocacy | Customer service track record |
Data analysis | Decision making |
Dependability and reliability | Design expertise |
Discretion and confidentiality | Educational qualifications |
Emotional resilience | Emotional stability |
Enthusiasm and willingness to learn | Entrepreneurial mindset |
Establishing rapport | Ethics and integrity |
Executive communication | Experience working with customers |
Familiarity with systems, technologies and tools | Financial acumen |
Formal communication | Friendly and approachable demeanor |
Goal orientation | Grit and determination |
Growth mindset | Industry experience |
Industry knowledge and trend awareness | Initiative |
Interdisciplinary knowledge | Interest and enthusiasm for role and industry |
Knowledge of principles and best practices | Language proficiency |
Leadership potential | Leadership presence |
Management experience | Negotiation |
Openness and flexibility | Organizational fit |
Organizational skills | Patience and empathy |
Physical fitness and stamina (for physical work) | Poise under pressure |
Policy planning and implementation | Politeness and courtesy |
Political acumen | Portfolio of work |
Positive attitude | Presentation and professional appearance |
Presentation skills | Problem solving |
Product knowledge | Professional certifications |
Professional knowledge | Professional reputation and impact |
Professionalism | Project management experience |
Project management qualifications | Public speaking |
Punctuality and reliability | Recordkeeping and documentation |
Regulatory compliance | Relationship building |
Research experience | Resourcefulness |
Results-driven | Safety consciousness |
Sales track record | Security awareness |
Self-direction and independence | Self-discipline |
Sense of urgency | Service mindset |
Service recovery – recovering customer satisfaction | Stakeholder management |
Standards compliance experience | Strategic thinking |
Subject matter expertise | Team leadership |
Teamwork | Technical skills |
Time management | Tolerance for ambiguity |
Troubleshooting skills | Verbal and nonverbal communication |
Work ethic | Work experience |
Written communication |