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Social situations are interactions or potential interactions with people. This includes any time you are out in public but varies in intensity. For example, some social situations involve performance whereby you may be judged on your communication and social talents. The following are illustrative examples of social situations.
Arguments | Ceremonies | Chat / Forums | Community Activities | Conferences | Conversation | Customer Service | Dating | Debates | Events | Family Time | Greeting Neighbors | Group Assignments | Introductions | Job Interviews | Medical Appointments | Meeting Friends | Meetings | Negotiation | Networking (meeting new people) | Nightlife | Parties | Performances | Play | Presentations | Public Places | Public Speaking | Recreation (e.g. Ice Skating) | Religious Services | Rituals | School Classes | School Clubs & Activities | Shopping | Small Talk | Social Meals | Talking on the Phone | Team Sports | Teamwork | Transportation | Travel | Video Conferences | Video Games | Volunteering | |
Formal SituationsSocial situations that impose expectations such as a level of formal dress, politeness and a serious and respectful demeanor.Informal SituationsSituations with reduced social expectations that allow you to "be yourself." These situations typically do have social expectations such as norms of politeness but they are relaxed.SummarySocial situations can be formal or informal, physical or digital, structured or unstructured. The following is a basic overview of social situations with additional examples.DiscussionPlay is a fundamental type of socialization for children.In some cultures, customer service is viewed as inherently formal whereby customers are to be treated with respect such as polite language.As social situations vary greatly in communication intensity it is possible to use low intensity situations to gain experience for progressively greater challenges. For example, taking every opportunity to present information in team meetings, where people are familiar, in order to prepare for public speaking in front of crowds.Next: Social Experience
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