Adaptable | Adventurous |
Attention to Detail | Attentive |
Authentic | Backbone |
Bias for Action | Brave |
Candid | Careful |
Caring | Celebrate |
Challenge Expectations | Collaborative |
Committed | Common Purpose |
Competitive | Considerate |
Consistent | Constructive |
Courteous | Creative |
Curious | Daring |
Deep Dive | Deliver Happiness |
Deliver Wow | Detail-Oriented |
Determined | Different |
Diligent | Diverse |
Do Less With More | Do Not Compromise |
Earn Trust | Easygoing |
Embrace Change | Empathetic |
Empower | Energetic |
Engage Customers | Ethical |
Exceed Expectations | Exceptional |
Fair | Fast |
Flexible | Freedom |
Friendly | Frugal |
Fun | Genuine |
Gifted | Giving Back |
Gratitude | Hands-on |
Hardworking | Helpful |
High Standards | High-Spirited |
Honest | Humble |
Imaginative | Improvement |
Inclusive | Independence |
Inspired | Intense |
Inventive | Lead The Way |
Learn From Failure | Listen Attentively |
Make a Difference | Merit-Based |
Meritocratic | Motivated |
Never Settle | Nimble |
Nurturing | Obsessed |
Open | Open-Minded |
Optimistic | Original |
Own Our Failures | Passionate |
Performance-based | Persistent |
Playful | Polite |
Positive | Principled |
Proud History | Raising the Bar |
Rare | Realistic |
Receptive | Recognize |
Reimagine | Relaxed |
Resilient | Resourceful |
Respectful | Responsive |
Revolutionary | Rich Heritage |
Self-Critical | Self-Directed |
Simplify | Spirit of Innovation |
Stimulating | Stylish |
Supportive | Sympathetic |
Take Ownership | Take Responsibility |
Talented | Team Spirit |
Tenacious | Think Big |
Timely | Tireless |
Tolerant | Transparent |
Trusting | Trustworthy |
Unafraid | Unfailing |
Unflagging | Unique |
United | Unstoppable |
Untiring | Useful |
Welcoming |
Descriptions of company culture commonly touch upon the following elements.Accountability | Change |
Communication | Community |
Comradery | Creativity |
Customer Experience | Customer Service |
Decision Making | Diversity |
Efficiency | Expectations |
Experiments | Goals |
Good Business | Governance |
Habits | Health & Safety |
Innovation | Instincts |
Integrity | Intellectual Diversity |
Leadership | Learning |
Mission | Opportunity |
Ownership | Principles |
Problem Solving | Productivity |
Professionalism | Quality |
Relationships | Resilience |
Responsibility | Risk Taking |
Shared Experiences | Social Responsibility |
Stakeholders | Standards |
Storytelling | Sustainability |
Symbols | Talent |
Time to Market | Tolerance for Disagreement |
Traditions | Trust |
Values | Vision |
Well-being | Work-Life Balance |