Accepting Accountability for Failure | Accidents |
Administering Disciplinary Actions | Arguments |
Bad Habits | Being Fired |
Being Punished or Disciplined | Being Sidelined |
Breakups | Bullying |
Career Setbacks | Conflict |
Cost of Living | Customer Service - Challenging Questions or Requests |
Customer Service - Errors & Mistakes | Customer Service - Poor Quality Products |
Customer Service - Service Outages | Customer Service - Upset Customers |
Dealing With Incompetence | Dealing With Self-Absorbed or Self-Righteous Individuals |
Debilitating Fears | Demanding Caregiving |
Demanding Responsibilities | Difficult Conversations |
Difficult Decisions | Difficult Questions |
Difficulty Communicating | Disagreements |
Discrimination | Displaced by Conflict |
Disrespect | Divorce |
Economic Issues | Embarrassment |
Exposure to Pollution | Family Stress |
Financial Hardship | Firing Someone |
Friendship Issues | Ghosted by Someone |
Harassment | Harsh Criticism |
Homelessness | Hunger & Insufficient Nutrition |
Identity Crisis | Illiteracy |
Immigration Issues (e.g. denial of visa extension) | Income Insecurity |
Information Security Incidents | Injuries |
Insults | Interpersonal Stress |
Intimidation | Investment Losses |
Lack of Parental Support | Layoffs |
Legal Issues | Loneliness |
Losing a Business Partner | Losing a Customer |
Losing an Investor | Loss of Loved Ones |
Machine, Equipment & Vehicle Failures | Mental Health Issues |
Midlife Crisis | Misinformation |
Moral Failures | Natural Disasters |
Negative Publicity | Negotiations |
Oppression or a Lack of Rights & Freedoms | Parenting Problems |
Passive Aggressive Behavior | Political Debate |
Political Instability | Poor Health |
Poverty | Problem Solving |
Project Failure | Quarter-life Crisis |
Racism | Realizing & Facing a Personal Fault |
Rumors | School Absenteeism |
School Failures or Poor Results | Separations |
Sexism | Sickness |
Social Exclusion | Social Instability |
Social Isolation | Social Rejection |
Student Stress | Tasks Beyond Your Abilities |
Travel Stress | Unable to Pay Bills |
Unfair Criticism | Unkindness |
Victim of Crime | Work Absenteeism |
Work Failures, Mistakes & Errors | Workplace Stress |