Accepting Accountability for Failure | Accidents |
Administering Disciplinary Actions | Arguments |
Bad Habits | Being Fired |
Being Punished or Disciplined | Being Sidelined |
Breakups | Bullying |
Career Setbacks | Conflict |
Cost of Living | Customer Service - Challenging Questions or Requests |
Customer Service - Errors & Mistakes | Customer Service - Poor Quality Products |
Customer Service - Service Outages | Customer Service - Upset Customers |
Dealing With Incompetence | Dealing With Self-Absorbed or Self-Righteous Individuals |
Debilitating Fears | Demanding Caregiving |
Demanding Responsibilities | Difficult Conversations |
Difficult Decisions | Difficult Questions |
Difficulty Communicating | Disagreements |
Discrimination | Displaced by Conflict |
Disrespect | Divorce |
Economic Issues | Embarrassment |
Exposure to Pollution | Family Stress |
Financial Hardship | Firing Someone |
Friendship Issues | Ghosted by Someone |
Harassment | Harsh Criticism |
Homelessness | Hunger & Insufficient Nutrition |
Identity Crisis | Illiteracy |
Immigration Issues (e.g. denial of visa extension) | Income Insecurity |
Information Security Incidents | Injuries |
Insults | Interpersonal Stress |
Intimidation | Investment Losses |
Lack of Parental Support | Layoffs |
Legal Issues | Loneliness |
Losing a Business Partner | Losing a Customer |
Losing an Investor | Loss of Loved Ones |
Machine, Equipment & Vehicle Failures | Mental Health Issues |
Midlife Crisis | Misinformation |
Moral Failures | Natural Disasters |
Negative Publicity | Negotiations |
Oppression or a Lack of Rights & Freedoms | Parenting Problems |
Passive Aggressive Behavior | Political Debate |
Political Instability | Poor Health |
Poverty | Problem Solving |
Project Failure | Quarter-life Crisis |
Racism | Realizing & Facing a Personal Fault |
Rumors | School Absenteeism |
School Failures or Poor Results | Separations |
Sexism | Sickness |
Social Exclusion | Social Instability |
Social Isolation | Social Rejection |
Student Stress | Tasks Beyond Your Abilities |
Travel Stress | Unable to Pay Bills |
Unfair Criticism | Unkindness |
Victim of Crime | Work Absenteeism |
Work Failures, Mistakes & Errors | Workplace Stress |
Significant obstacles in life faced by individuals, families and communities. This can be due to social issues such as poverty, discrimination or social injustice. It is also common for adversity to result from individual life circumstances such as an injury.
Work Difficulties
Challenges and problems related to your professional life. This includes business problems such as declining revenue and increased competition. Work difficulties can also include career setbacks or workplace issues such as stress.
Life Situations
Events, changes or ongoing situations in life that represent a challenge or obstacle. For example, academic problems at school or family instability that generates intensive emotions. It can be difficult to adapt to these challenges such that they can broadly disrupt every pursuit in your life for a period of time until you get a handle on them.
Personal Challenges
Things in your life that you are struggling to resolve. These are problems that are actively working to solve. For example, working to replace a bad habit with new habits that you view as more positive and productive.
Interpersonal Problems
Problems related to social interactions and relationships with people. This is a common source of both professional and life problem whereby interpersonal conflict or stress is a common everyday experience for many people. Resolving these issues can require help and support from others. Overcoming interpersonal problems also relies on social abilities such as conflict resolution.
Handling Difficult Situations
Handling difficult situations requires taking a step back to remain calm and to try to gain perspective. Here you want to think about whether this is the type of problem that can be transcended or accepted whereby you can simply decide to pour your efforts into positive things in your life without "solving" the problem you are facing. In many cases, a problem does require a solution and you can work on a plan to solve it. Here you should consider what kind of help and advice you need. Look to people with the authority or talent required to solve your problem or look for advice from people who have overcome similar problems to thrive in life. Remember to be kind to yourself in facing a difficult situation. Try to find a way to reduce the problem with humor and perspective. Everyone will face a great number of problems in their life and this is an inherent part of the human experience. Handling difficult situations is likely to make you a more capable and accomplished person with time.Summary
The following are common examples of difficult situations. These include types of adversity that are systemic and beyond the capacity of any individual to solve on their own such as discrimination. Difficult situations also include challenges and situations in the life of a person such as an accident or failure.