Acting | Adventure Sports |
Aesthetics | Animals |
Architecture | Art |
Astronomy | Authoritarianism |
Beach Culture | Beauty |
Being the Center of Attention | Birdwatching |
Business | Calculated Risk Taking |
Celebrity Gossip | Challenging Authority |
Chess | Chilling Out / Coolness |
Coding / Automation | Collecting Memories |
Collecting Things | Comedy & Humor |
Community Connectedness | Competition |
Concerts & Events | Contrarianism |
Conversation | Cooking |
Cosplay | Crafts |
Creative Expression | Creative Writing |
Credentialism | Cuisine |
Cultural Experiences | Curiosity About People |
Dance | Dating & Romance |
Debate | Design / Design Thinking |
Direct Action (e.g. directly solving social or environmental issues) | Diy |
Doing Good | Drawing |
Engineering | Entrepreneurship |
Environmental Activism | Experimenting |
Fame | Family |
Fandom | Festivals |
Film | Filmmaking |
Fitness / Exercise | Freedom |
Friends | Gaining Respect |
Gossip | Grit & Determination |
Group Harmony | Groupthink |
Health & Wellness | History |
Hobbies | Home Improvement |
Immersive Experiences | Income & Wealth |
Interior Design | Investing |
Landscaping & Gardening | Languages |
Learning & Education | Leisure Sports |
Literature / Reading | Maker Culture |
Manga & Anime | Marketing & Sales |
Martial Arts | Mastery and Refinement of Humble Tasks (e.g. mastery of tea ceremony) |
Materialism | Media Consumption |
Medicine | Minimalism |
Model Building | Morals |
Music | Nature |
Networking / Meeting People | Nightlife |
Nostalgia / Connection With the Past | One-upmanship |
Organization & Imposing Order | Outdoor Life |
Parenting / Grandparenting | Philosophy |
Photography | Physical Culture |
Play | Politics |
Psychology | Pursuit of Power |
Pursuit of Wonder | Puzzles |
Read-write Culture | Relationships |
Relaxation | Religion |
Reuse & Repair | Risk Avoidance |
Robotics | Safety & Security |
Sailing | Science |
Seeking Sympathy | Self Promotion |
Self-Improvement | Self-Indulgence |
Shopping / Consumerism | Simple Living |
Singing | Sleep & Rest |
Social Acceptance | Social Activism |
Social Justice | Social Status |
Socializing | Spirituality |
Strategy / Strategy Games | Systems / Systems Thinking |
Team Sports | Technology |
Theatre | Tradition |
Travel / Exploring the World | Trend Following |
Trendsetting | Unconditional Love |
Video Games | Visual Design |
Vlogging | Volunteering |
Weather | Winter Sports |
Woodworking / Carpentry | Work & Productivity |
Workplace Politics | Worldbuilding |