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10 Examples of Core Processes

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Core processes are business processes that have significant commercial impact for an organization. They represent the ongoing end-to-end practices that deliver the organization's goals. The following are common examples of core processes.

Record to Report

Gathering financial, strategic and operational information and delivering it to internal and external stakeholders to monitor the performance of the business.

Order to Cash

The process from accepting a customer order to getting paid for that order. Includes order management, credit management, order fulfillment, shipping, invoicing, accounts receivable, collection and related financial accounting.

Procure to Pay

The process of buying things including requirements, requesting quotations, purchase orders and payment.

Hire to Retire

The complete set of human resource functions that apply over the course of an employee's career with an organization. Includes activities such as hiring, onboarding, performance management, compensation & benefits, training & development and retirement.

Plan to Produce

The process of sales forecasting and production planning.

Plan to Inventory

The process of sales forecasting and inventory management. Potentially includes production planning if you manufacture your inventory.

Acquire to Retire

Administering assets including requisition, acquisition, deployment and retirement.

Issue to Resolution

The process of managing issues including detection, tracking, problem solving, resolution, root cause analysis, improvement and communications. Potentially applies to process, service and product issues depending on your business.

Idea to Offering

The process of developing products from idea to launching an offer.

Market to Order

The process of marketing from concept to closing sales. Includes product development, promotion, pricing, distribution and sales.
Overview: Core Processes
End-to-end business processes that have significant commercial impact.
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