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6 Types of Goal Setting

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Goal setting is a management technique that involves developing an action plan with targets for a team or individual. It is considered both a tool of strategy implementation and performance management. As such, it is a critical management function that often follows a methodology, framework or standard across an organization.
The following are a few common types of goal setting.

1. Mission Statements

A short inspiring statement that captures your goals, principles and values.

2. Vision Statement

A vision statement paints a picture of your future. At the organizational level, it's an all encompassing goal for the future of the organization. As with mission statements, vision statements are usually short and catchy.

3. Big Hairy Audacious Goal

A big hairy audacious goal is an overly ambitious goal that you're not likely to achieve but represents a statement about your drive, determination and vision. They are commonly used to motivate employees and inspire customers.


SMART is the criteria that goals be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. It is commonly used in goal setting and project management. In many cases, the SMART criteria are used in conjunction with a goal setting methodology.

5. Management By Objectives

Management by objectives is a management technique that implements strategies and manages performance with a process of participative goal setting.

6. Balanced Scorecard

A goal setting, strategy implementation and performance management methodology that sets measurable goals that map to strategy known as scorecards. Each scorecards includes data items in four areas: financial, customer, internal and learning.


This is the complete list of articles we have written about goals.
Big Goals
Business Goals
Concrete Goals
Service Goals
Daily Goals
Efficiency Goals
Employee Goals
Future Goals
IT Goals
Leadership Goals
Learning Goals
Long Term Goals
Management Goals
Measurable Goals
Outcome Goals
Performance Goals
Personal Goals
Process Goals
Productivity Goals
Professional Goals
Quality Goals
Stretch Goals
Types of Objectives
Work Goals
Workplace Goals
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Goal Planning

A guide to goal planning.

Mission Statements

A mission statement defines the purpose of an organization in terms of goals, principles and values.


Common types of objectives.


A set of criteria that is commonly applied to business goals.
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