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Internal stakeholders are employees or teams in your organization who have an interest or concern in a strategy, plan, program, project, product or process. The following are common examples of internal stakeholders.Board of DirectorsThe board of directors of an organization may conduct an internal investigation and require information or the participation of employees and teams.
Executive ManagersExecutive managers such as a CEO or CFO. For example, a CEO may be kept informed about the status of a program or project.AuditorsAn internal auditor may require information in areas such as internal controls and risk management.Business units are teams with responsibility for revenue and costs.
Operations TeamsTeams with responsibility for core business processes such as manufacturing.Employees and teams who are customers of an internal service. For example, IT functions are often viewed as services that serve internal customers.Users of a service, process or tool. Employees or consultants assigned to provide their expertise in a particular context. For example, a usability expert who is a stakeholder of a website redesign project.|
Type | | Definition | Employees or teams in your organization who have an interest or concern in a strategy, plan, program, project, product or process. | Related Concepts | |
This is the complete list of articles we have written about management.
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A guide to management techniques.
A list of techniques for developing and implementing a strategy.
The basics of productivity.
A guide to project management.
The common types of internal benchmarking.
A definition of internal customer with examples.
A definition of business optimization with examples.
The common types of team objective.
An overview of the different types of management planning.
A definition of management with examples.
A list of common project risks.
A list of basic project management techniques.
A definition of workaround with examples.
A list of project branding techniques.
An overview of project stakeholder management with examples.
A definition of action plan with examples.
The primary types of cost overrun.
The definition of document control with examples.
A guide to project oversight.
A definition of design driven development with examples.
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