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A mission statement communicates the purpose of an organization. A vision statement predicts an organization's future.Both statements are meant to inspire employees and customers. They may also be designed for the public in general or to strike fear in the heart of the competition.
Mission and vision statements are generally seen as complimentary and they ideally align. Mission statements define an organization's values, drive and strengths. Vision statements are a compelling vision of the future that show the value of a mission. In many cases, a vision statement is a far off goal that is extremely difficult to achieve, thus communicating a sense of ambition and energy.|
Type | | Mission Definition | The driving purpose of an organization, individual or initiative. | Vision Definition | A compelling picture of the future. | Notes | Mission statements are far more common than vision statements. In many cases, a single statement can capture both a mission and vision. | Related Concepts | |
Business Strategy
This is the complete list of articles we have written about business strategy.
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An extensive list of business strategies.
A reasonably comprehensive guide to strategy.
The difference between a baseline and a benchmark.
A definition of strategy vs tactics with two examples.
A few sources of competitive advantage for businesses.
A list of macro environment components.
The difference between competitive advantage and distinctive capability.
An overview of a common business strategy.
A definition of restructuring with examples.
A list of key marketing strategies.
An overview of 20+ common branding techniques.
A list of common ways to measure marketing results.
An overview of common pricing strategies.
A definition of product positioning with examples.
Common types of brand storytelling.
The common types of cross-selling.
The common types of marketing campaign.
The common types of marketing automation.
The common types of target marketing.
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