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7 Examples of Mixed Reality

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Mixed reality is the blending of virtual elements and the real world. This can occur either in the real world or a virtual environment such as a game. The following are illustrative examples.


A game or movie that occurs in a real place such as a park, street or home. For example, game characters that are rendered in a real place by a mobile device.


Adding virtual elements to work environments that make people more productive. For example, a chef who wears glasses that visualize temperatures, tastes and aromas in a kitchen. This might allow the chef to look at a dish and know it is too salty or cold.


Reducing the need for travel by allowing people to attend events or work remotely with a simulation of the real environment. For example, sending your digital twin to a trade show so that you don't need to travel.


Improving marketing and sales with tools that allow customers to visualize products in real environments. For example, the ability to see a couch in your living room before you order it.


Reducing risk with tools that blend real things with information. For example, a digital twin of an aircraft engine that allows an operations team to view an engine in flight alongside operational data such as temperatures.


Experiencing elements of travel, adventure and science without leaving the classroom. Alternatively, real travel and adventure can be augmented with educational information.


Integration of health information with your body. For example, the ability to visualize the effects of poor air quality on your lungs in real time.
Overview: Mixed Reality
The blending of virtual elements and the real world.
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