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A natural language is a language that people regularly use such as English, French or Japanese. Natural languages evolve with the context of a culture and often have a large number of variations such as a regional dialect or vocabularies used by a profession or subculture.
Natural Language vs Formal LanguageNatural languages evolve as a process of communication between people and contain many nuances, irregularities and oddities that give it character that reflect culture and society.Formal languages include mathematical, logic and computer programming languages that can be constructed to be well-formed and easy for machines to interpret with accuracy.|
Type | | Definition | A language that people regularly use such as English, French or Japanese. | Related Concepts | |
This is the complete list of articles we have written about culture.
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A few possible definitions of culture.
An overview of cosmopolitanism.
A list of subcultures.
An overview of culture of fear.
An overview of super culture with examples.
A definition of cultural superpower with examples.
When culture isn't ready for the future.
A definition of fine art.
A definition of cultural capital with examples.
An overview of global culture with examples.
A list of subcultures.
An overview of new sincerity.
The difference between subculture and culture.
An overview of street fashion.
The common characteristics of culture.
The definition of nerd with examples.
An overview of youth culture with examples.
The definition of cultural symbol with a list of examples.
The definition of personal culture with examples.
A list of examples of culture.
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