Accountants | Advertising services |
AI services | Antique shops |
Barbershops | Bars & pubs |
Beauty salons | Business process outsourcing |
Cafes | Carpenters |
Catering | Childcare and babysitting |
Cleaning | Cloud computing |
Comedy clubs | Communication services |
Concerts & events | Consulting |
Convenience Stores | Counseling & therapy |
Cultural activities | Cybersecurity services |
Data analytics | Delivery |
Dentists | Design services |
Dinner theater | Ecommerce |
Education | Electricians |
Energy services | Environmental services |
Event planning | Event spaces |
Event tickets | Film production services |
Financial services | Fitness activities |
Flea markets | Flights |
Florists | Foreign exchange |
Gift shops | Grocery stores |
Gyms | Heating, ventilation and air conditioning |
Hobby related activities | Home automation |
Hotels & resorts | Infrastructure services |
Inspections | Insurance |
Internet services | IT platforms & APIs |
Karaoke | Knowledge & information services |
Data services | Lab services |
Lawn care | Legal services |
Leisure activities | Loans |
Lounges | Maintenance services |
Marketing services | Mobile apps |
Mobile services | Movie theaters |
Moving services | Museums |
Music studios | Newspapers & journalism |
Nightclubs | Office space |
Payments | Performance venues |
Personal services | Pet services |
Pharmacies | Photography services |
Plumbing | Podcasts |
Products as a service | Professional services |
Real estate agents | Recreation activities |
Recycling & reuse | Rentals & leasing |
Repair services | Restaurants |
Retail | Robotics as a service |
Safety services | Security services |
Schools, tutoring & lessons | Service resellers |
Value added resellers of services | Shipping |
Software as a service | Software development services |
Spas | Streaming media |
Tax services | Taxis |
Technical support | Testing services |
Theater & performances | Theme parks |
Themed restaurants | Thrift shops & secondhand retail |
Tourist attractions | Transportation services |
Travel services | Utilities |
Video games as a service | Virtual & augmented reality |
Warehousing | Waste management |
Workshops & conferences | Workspaces |
Consumer Services
Businesses that market services to individuals and households. This is a very large area of economic activity that overlaps with large industries such as financial services, media and hospitality.Hospitality
Service businesses that host guests such as hotels, theme parks and restaurants.Personal Services
Services that are offered to an individual as opposed to a multiple people such as a household. These are often highly customized.Business Services
Services marketed to businesses such as consulting, logistics and outsourcing services.Professional Services
The services of professionals such as accountants, engineers or technology experts.Technology Services
It is increasingly common for technologies to be sold as services. For example, online video games with service fees as opposed to buying physical game media.Retail
Retailers and ecommerce retailers are viewed as service businesses.Discussion
Services are unique in that they create intangible value that occurs at a point in time. This means that services are often perishable. For example, a seat on an aircraft will go to waste if not sold on time.All services are based on a handful of business models.Practically any product can be sold as a service. For example, a home heating and cooling system that is installed for a monthly fee that includes maintenance and repair.Overview: Service Business | ||
Type | ||
Definition | A business model that offers intangible value. | |
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