Adopting a child | Adopting a pet |
Buying a home | Calculated risk taking |
Career changes | Caring for a family member in need |
Championing projects & initiatives | Choosing a school |
Choosing an academic major | Choosing the path of least resistance (e.g. comfort and convenience) |
Choosing to be accountable | Choosing to build up / support others |
Choosing to waste time | Closing a business |
Committing to social roles | Committing to work |
Cultivating a talent | Destructive choices (e.g. an irrational crime) |
Discontinuing family relationships (e.g. losing touch with sibling) | Divorce |
Ending friendships | Engaging in community life (e.g. supporting a local sports team) |
Establishing new routines & habits | Forgiveness / bitterness |
Handling conflict | Having a child |
Healthcare decisions | Immersing yourself in culture (e.g. participating in a festival) |
Immigrating | Initiating and cultivating friendships |
Investing in creative projects (e.g. diy) | Investment decisions |
Joining a class | Joining a club / team |
Joining a religion | Leaving home / returning home |
Lifestyle choices (e.g. diet choices) | Major purchases |
Major travel | Making a will |
Making amends | Marriage / domestic partnerships |
Mastering an art | Meeting people / socializing |
Moral decisions | Moving / relocating |
Parenting decisions | Political participation (e.g. protests) |
Prioritizing health (e.g. exercising) | Prioritizing quality time (e.g. time with family) |
Privacy choices (e.g. sharing information in social media) | Pursuing a hobby |
Pursuing a philosophy | Pursuing a profession |
Pursuing an ideology | Pursuing freedom |
Pursuing knowledge | Pursuing personal development |
Pursuing play, leisure, & recreation | Pursuing spirituality |
Pursuit of subculture | Pursuit of wealth |
Quitting a bad habit | Quitting a job |
Quitting a school | Relationship decisions |
Repatriating | Retiring |
Risk management decisions (e.g. life insurance) | Selling a home |
Small business decisions | Starting a business |
Sustaining family relationships (e.g. returning home for holidays) | Sustaining friendships |
Taking on responsibility | Volunteering |