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5 Examples of Plans

A plan is a document that captures goals and steps to achieve goals. It is also possible for a plan to identify risks and steps to prepare and handle risk. Plans may include details of resources, timing, responsibilities and how outcomes will be measured. The following are common types of plan with examples.

Strategy Plan

A strategy plan, or strategic plan, is a plan to achieve long term goals. An organization or individual who expects significant change may plan no longer than a year in advance. It is also somewhat common to plan 5 or 10 years into the future. The following is an example of a marketing plan for an existing textile business that is seeking to grow aggressively in the next year.

Implementation Plan

An implementation plan is a series of planned activities designed to achieve a set of objectives. This is often less about measuring and reporting results and more about organizing your resources to get work out the door. For example, the following is a plan to design and test 84 sock designs over 12 weeks.

Action Plan

An action plan is a plan to achieve an objective. These are often created to solve a problem or to communicate how you will accomplish an assigned task. The following action plan is designed to investigate and address the root cause of a quality problem with a textile product.

Tactical Plan

A tactical plan is a plan to seize an immediate opportunity or manage an imminent risk. For example, a sock factory that believes there may be a strike in a foreign port that will disrupt its supply of cotton may develop a tactical plan to manage this risk. Tactical plans may be developed and executed within hours or days and don't tend to have schedules or measurements.

Contingency Plan

A contingency plan is a plan to prepare for risk and respond to risks that become issues. For example, a corporate communications team that is planning an investor event may develop a contingency plan to prepare for problems that may disrupt the event.
Overview: Plans
A set of goals and series of steps that can be taken to achieve each goal.
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