Accuracy | Adaptability |
Ambiance | Atmosphere |
Attentive service | Billing accuracy |
Bliss point - just the right size | Brand status and image |
Build quality | Capacity |
Cleanliness | Color is appealing |
Comfort | Compatibility |
Compliance with standards | Conforms to culture and tradition e.g. cheese that is the traditional color of cheese |
Consistency | Controls responsiveness |
Convenience | Country of design |
Country of origin – ingredients and materials | Country of origin – manufacturing |
Customizable | Design quality |
Durability | Ease of assembly |
Ease to use | Easy to clean |
Easy to learn | Effectiveness |
Efficiency | Effort of production such as handcrafted items |
Employee uniforms and professional appearance | Engaging and fun e.g. video game |
Environmental impact | Ergonomics |
Experience quality | Fair terms and policies |
Fast turnaround time | Features |
Feel of materials | Flexibility |
Freshness | Friendly and helpful service |
Functions | Information quality |
Ingredients quality | Intuitiveness |
Knowledgeable staff | Lack of defects |
Lack of unwanted features and functions | Lighting effects |
Lightweight / Ideally weighted | Load times |
Local ingredients | Look and feel |
Low maintenance | Maintains user interest over time e.g. replayability of a game |
Material quality | Meaningful and epic experiences |
Menu accuracy | Noise level |
Ongoing support and updates | Order accuracy |
Packaging quality | Packaging usability |
Performance | Personalized service |
Pleasing aesthetics | Politeness |
Precision | Presentation e.g. of food |
Product certifications | Product lifespan |
Product matches product description | Productive to use |
Professionalism | Range of services |
Recognizable brand | Reliability |
Reputable brand | Resale value |
Resistance to wear and tear | Responsiveness |
Reusable elements such as packaging | Safety |
Security | Smoothness of operation |
Social proof e.g. a popular restaurant | Sound design |
Sound quality | Spacious environments |
Speed of service | Stability |
Sturdiness | Style |
Support | Taste |
Trendy and new | Unboxing experience |
Useful form factor | Useful size and dimensions |
Variety and selection | Views e.g. from a hotel room |
Warranty coverage | Well designed |