Business Failure Costs (costs related to closing a business) | Compliance Violations (e.g. disrupted processes that are required such as paying employees) |
Contract Violations / Loss of Contracts | Contractual Penalties |
Contractual Penalties (e.g. not meeting a deadline) | Cost Per Hour (e.g. cost of a workaround) |
Customer Defection | Customer Dissatisfaction |
Damage to Brand Image | Damage to Customer Relationships |
Decline in Brand Recognition / Awareness | Disputed Research / Product Development Impacting Future Sales |
Disrupted Sales / Marketing Processes Impacting Future Sales | Expediting Costs |
Expired Inventory / Aging Inventory | Financial Disruptions (e.g. unable to collect revenues) |
Inability to Restart at Same Level of Efficiency | Increased Business Risk |
Increased Turnover / Loss of Key Employees | Liability |
Loss of Capital Equipment | Loss of Contractual Bonuses |
Loss of Customers | Loss of Data |
Loss of Efficiency | Loss of Investor Confidence |
Loss of Knowledge / Know-how | Loss of Market Share to Competitors |
Loss of Partnerships | Loss of Revenue (per hour) |
Loss of Systems / Software | Loss of a Facility |
One Time Costs (e.g. cost of damaged machine) | Process Disruptions (e.g. unable to issue bills) |
Production Declines | Recovery & Remediation Costs |
Reduced Sales | Regulatory Fines |
Reputational Damage | Retrenchment Costs (costs related to the need to close parts of a business) |