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Business Risks

11 Examples of Risk Measures For Business

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Risk measures are estimates of future losses due to risk. As estimates, these aren't concrete financial accounts but are rather forecasts of the costs of risk. These can be used to gauge risk management efforts and to support decision making around risk.
Risk Probability
The estimated probability that a risk will occur.
Risk Impact
The estimated costs of a risk if it should occur.
Risk Severity
Using categories such as high, medium and low for risk impact instead of a number.
Risk Value
An estimate of the cost of a risk calculated as probability × impact.
Risk Exposure
The sum of all risk values that apply to a situation.
Risk Exposure Ratio
Risk exposure as a ratio of total assets, cost or resources involved in the risk.
Risk Reduction
The reduction in risk exposure that is achieved by risk treatment.
Residual Risk
The risk exposure that remains after risk treatment.
Secondary Risk
The new risk exposures that are created by risk treatments.
Risk Management Effectiveness
The ratio of risk reduction to residual risk including secondary risk.
Risk Losses
Actual real world costs of risks that have occurred.
Cost of Risk
The cost of risks that occur plus the costs of managing risk.
Probability and impact can be modeled with a probability-impact matrix -- a table of multiple values for risk probability and impact.

Business Risks

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