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88 Examples of Social Outcomes

Social outcomes are changes in social conditions that result from a policy, program, initiative or historical event. Target social outcomes can be used to plan, guide and evaluate services and programs of change. It is also common to review, analyze and critique the social outcomes of historical events and changes to social systems, institutions or culture. The following are common examples of social outcomes.
Academic performance
Access to childcare services
Access to clean water and sanitation
Access to education
Access to financial services, mortgages and other credit
Access to goods and services
Access to healthcare
Access to housing
Access to information
Access to legal services
Access to nature and public space
Access to opportunity
Access to play areas and recreational activities
Access to technology
Access to transportation
Affordability of education
Awareness of issues
Child poverty rate
Civic engagement and participation
Collaboration and knowledge sharing
Cross-cultural communication and language learning
Cultural exchange and diversity
Digital skills
Economic growth and development
Economic stability and resilience
Educational attainment
Emergence of new social norms and practices
Employment rates
Environmental conditions such as air quality
Family stability and cohesion
Financial stability and security
Health insurance coverage rates
Health literacy
Health outcomes
Healthcare affordability
Home ownership rates
Household income
Immigration rate
Incarceration rate
Income levels
Increased social equality
Infant mortality rates
Levels of investment in social and environmental initiatives
Levels of social and political discourse
Life expectancy
Life satisfaction – self-rated
Literacy rates
Measures of corruption and misconduct
Mental health and wellbeing
Mortality rates
Neighborhood safety perceptions
Numeracy skills
Nutrition outcomes
Obesity rates
Opportunities for small businesses
Perceived levels of freedom such as freedom of speech
Perceived social harmony
Political participation rates
Poverty rates
Productivity rates
Public trust in social institutions
Public trust in government
Public trust in the media
Quality of life – self-rated
Rates of addiction
Rates of discrimination
Rates of innovation
Rates of social activism
Reduced crime rates
Reduced food insecurity
Reduced homelessness
Reduced racial and ethnic disparities
Reduced reliance on public assistance programs
Respect and tolerance for diverse perspectives and opinions
Savings rates
School absenteeism rates
Sense of community
Sense of meaning and purpose – self reported
Sense of social responsibility
Social connectedness and engagement
Social mobility
Social support network size and perceived strength
Standard of living
Voter turnout rates
Wages and income levels
Workplace absenteeism rates
Workplace safety and health outcomes
Social outcomes can be measured or qualitatively evaluated for a society, community, cohort or individual.

Social Issues

This is the complete list of articles we have written about social issues.
Air Quality
Civil Society
Culture Change
Environmental Issues
Issues Database
Natural Resources
Public Safety
Quality Of Life
Right To Know
Social Challenges
Social Conditions
Social Injustice
Social Justice
Social Outcomes
Social Responsibility
Social Stability
Social Topics
Society Problems
Urban Issues
US Social Issues
Virtue Signalling
What Is A Social Issue
Working Conditions
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