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Social strengths are skills, abilities, knowledge and character traits that allow an individual to successfully navigate social situations. These are quite diverse and align to an individual's personality. The following are examples of common social strengths.
Active Silence | Apologies | Approachability | Assertiveness | Attention Span | Body Language | Building Rapport | Candor | Charisma | Civility | Conflict Resolution | Consensus Building | Constructive Criticism | Cooperation | Coping with Difficult People | Coping with Emotion | Critical Thinking | Cultural Capital | Debate | Emotional Intelligence | Empathy | Engagement | Ethical Conduct | Eye Contact | Facilitation | Forgiving | Generosity | Gratitude | Greetings and Introductions | Handling Criticism | Honesty | Humility | Humor | Independence | Influencing | Kindness | Language | Leadership | Likeability | Listening | Loyalty | Manners | Mediation | Negotiation | Networking | Openness | Persistence | Personal Hygiene | Personal Presence | Perspective Taking | Persuasion | Play | Politeness | Public Speaking | Questioning | Resilience | Resisting Peer Pressure | Respecting Norms | Responsible | Self Confidence | Self-Awareness | Self-Control | Self-Expression | Social Perception | Sportsmanship | Storytelling | Sympathy | Teamwork | Tolerance | Tolerance for Disagreement | Trusting | Trustworthy | Verbal Communication | Win-win Thinking | Wit |
NotesCultural capital is the ability to socialize and influence in the context of a culture.
Social Strengths
This is the complete list of articles we have written about social strengths.
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The definition of civility with examples.
A list of skills based on standard business terminology.
A list of common organizational skills with examples.
A list of synonyms for talent.
A list of common research skills.
The definition of incompetence with examples.
A list of common professional skills including hard skills and soft skills.
A list of commonly required administration skills.
A list of common creativity skills.
A list of important strengths.
A list of common character traits.
The definition of self-control with examples.
A list of common emotional strengths.
A list of common personality traits.
An overview of grit with definition, characteristics and examples.
An overview of the tetris effect with examples.
A list of common creative strengths.
The definition of adaptive performance with examples.
The definition of attitude with examples.
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