Positive Attributes
Positive attributes are commonly used to describe oneself and to convey the qualities of people that you like and/or respect. These can include personality, professional traits, abilities, talents, experiences, accomplishments and physical characteristics.Accepting | Accomplished |
Active | Adaptable |
Adept | Adventurous |
Ambitious | Appealing |
Artistic | Athletic |
Attentive | Big Picture Thinker |
Brave | Calm |
Candid | Capable |
Careful | Caring |
Charming | Chill |
Civil | Civilized |
Collaborative | Committed |
Communicative | Compassionate |
Competent | Competitive |
Composed | Confident |
Connected | Considerate |
Consistent | Cool |
Cooperative | Courageous |
Courteous | Creative |
Credible | Cultured |
Daring | Decent |
Deep | Detail-oriented |
Determined | Devoted |
Diligent | Disciplined |
Driven | Educated |
Elegant | Empathetic |
Energetic | Engaging |
Enterprising | Enthusiastic |
Ethical | Experienced |
Fascinating | Fashionable |
Fearless | Firm |
Flexible | Forgiving |
Free | Friendly |
Fun | Giving |
Gracious | Gritty |
Grounded | Hands-on |
Hard Working | Helpful |
Honest | Honorable |
Hopeful | Humble |
Imaginative | Independent |
Industrious | Inspiring |
Intelligent | Interesting |
Kind | Knowledgable |
Likeable | Loyal |
Mature | Merciful |
Open-minded | Optimistic |
Original | Outgoing |
Passionate | Patient |
Persistent | Pleasant |
Polished | Polite |
Popular | Positive |
Practical | Pragmatic |
Principled | Realistic |
Refined | Reflective |
Relaxed | Reliable |
Resilient | Resolute |
Respectable | Respectful |
Restrained | Risk Taking |
Secure | Self-aware |
Self-directed | Selfless |
Sincere | Skilled |
Sociable | Stable |
Stoic | Strong |
Studious | Stylish |
Sympathetic | Tactful |
Talented | Thoughtful |
Tireless | Tolerant |
Trusting | Trustworthy |
Unaffected | Unafraid |
Understanding | Upright |
Upstanding | Virtuous |
Warm | Warmhearted |
Well Known | Well Respected |
Well-mannered | Witty |
Negative Attributes
Negative attributes are personality traits or patterns of behavior that are viewed as being problematic in a particular situation. The line between positive and negative attributes can be quite unclear. For example, introversion is often unfairly presented as being negative but many professions, roles and pursuits are well suited to people who don't constantly need conversation, social stimulation and feedback. The following are common negative attributes.Angry | Arrogant |
Authoritarian | Bad-tempered |
Basic | Biased |
Bitter | Boorish |
Boring | Cheap |
Close-minded | Comfortable |
Complacent | Conceited |
Contemptuous | Cowardly |
Crank | Crude |
Cynical | Delusional |
Difficult | Disconnected |
Dishonest | Distrustful |
Docile | Dull |
Egotistical | Fragile |
Fussy | Grumpy |
Helpless | Illogical |
Impractical | Incapable |
Incompetent | Ineffective |
Inflexible | Insecure |
Insincere | Intractable |
Irritable | Jealous |
Judgemental | Lazy |
Mean | Mediocre |
Moody | Narcissistic |
Negative | Obstinate |
Obstructive | Passive Aggressive |
Pedantic | Perfectionist |
Petty | Preachy |
Prejudiced | Rude |
Sarcastic | Sardonic |
Self-absorbed | Self-righteous |
Self-satisfied | Selfish |
Shallow | Skeptical |
Slavish | Small-minded |
Smug | Stale |
Stark | Static |
Stingy | Stubborn |
Sullen | Suspicious |
Tame | Tired |
Uncivilized | Uncool |
Uncooperative | Unhelpful |
Uninspired | Unintelligent |
Uninventive | Unkind |
Unoriginal | Unproductive |
Unrealistic | Unskilled |
Unsympathetic | Vain |