Accountant | Actor |
Actuary | Administrator |
Agent | Agricultural Worker |
Air Traffic Controller | Ambulance Officer |
Architect | Art Director |
Artist | Athlete |
Auditor | Baker |
Barista | Bartender |
Board Member | Business Analyst |
Chef | Childcare Worker |
Civil Servant | Cleaner |
Company Worker | Computer Scientist |
Construction Worker | Consultant |
Cook | Copywriter |
Courier | Craftsperson |
Curator | Customer Service Representative |
Dentist | Designer |
Doctor | Driver |
Economist | Electrician |
Entrepreneur | Equipment Operator |
Executive Manager | Farmer |
Film Maker | Firefighter |
Fisherman | Fitness Trainer |
Flight Attendant | Florist |
Freelancer | Gardener |
Hair Stylist | Home Care Aid |
Homemaker | Hospitality Worker |
Housekeeper | Information Technology Professional |
Investor | Journalist |
Laborer | Lawyer |
Librarian | Maintenance Worker |
Manager | Manufacturing Worker |
Marketing Professional | Mathematician |
Mechanic | Medical Professional |
Merchant | Midwife |
Military Personnel | Musician |
Nanny | Nurse |
Office Clerk | Office Worker |
Optician | Performance Artist |
Photographer | Pilot |
Police Officer | Politician |
Professor | Railroad Engineer |
Researcher | Retail Employee |
Retiree | Rigger |
Sailor | Salesperson |
Scientist | Sea Captain |
Secretary | Self-Employed |
Small Business Owner | Social Worker |
Software Developer | Spokesperson |
Statistician | Stay-At-Home Parent |
Student | Surgeon |
Surveyor | Tailor |
Teacher | Technician |
Tradesperson | Trainer |
Translator | Truck Driver |
Tutor | Unemployed |
Veterinarian | Videographer |
Waiter | Waste Collector |
Writer | Zoologist |
Occupation is used as a catch-all term that includes professions but also other life pursuits and situations such as students, homemakers and retirees.Discussion
The term retiree indicates that you are living from savings, pensions and other retirement income. It this case, it is possible to refer to your previous profession in your occupation such as "retired pilot."Unemployed persons can still identify themselves based on their previous career or field of expertise. For example, if you are a professional engineer, you can continue to refer to yourself as an engineer while between jobs.Overview: Occupations | ||
Type | ||
Definition (1) | An individual's role in society. | |
Definition (2) | How an individual provides for their material needs. | |
Definition (3) | The primary way that an individual spends their time. | |
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