Adaptability | Agreeableness |
Altruism | Apologies |
Assertiveness | Body Language |
Building Goodwill | Candor |
Charisma | Civility |
Coaching | Collaborating |
Comradeship | Consensus Building |
Constructive Criticism | Cooperating |
Cross-cultural Communication | Cultural Capital |
Cultural Knowledge | Debate |
Difficult Conversations | Emotional Intelligence |
Empathy | Etiquette |
Eye Contact | Facilitation |
Fairness | Forgiveness |
Friendship | Generosity |
Handling Criticism | Humor |
Influencing | Language |
Leadership | Likeability |
Listening | Mentoring |
Message Framing | Negotiation |
Networking | Non-verbal Communication |
Norms | Nuanced Communication |
Openness | Personal Presence |
Personal Resilience | Persuasion |
Politeness | Public Speaking |
Questioning | Relationship Building |
Saving Face | Self-Awareness |
Self-Esteem | Setting Expectations |
Sincerity | Social Intelligence |
Social Perceptiveness | Social Signals |
Storytelling | Sympathy |
Teaching | Tolerance for Disagreement |
Verbal Communication | Win-win Thinking |
Wit | Written Communication |
Conversational Skills
The ability to carry on an interesting and productive conversation in a variety of social situations. This includes small talk such as talking about the weather with a neighbor. Conversation skills can also involve formal communication, difficult conversations and relationship building.