Accomplishments | Adventures |
Artistic Tastes / Expressions | Attitude |
Beliefs | Bravery |
Challenges | Character Traits |
Childhood / Upbringing | Communication Style |
Creative Process | Creative Projects (e.g. a unique diy project) |
Cultural Participation | Decisions You've Made |
Disappointments | Discipline |
Dreams | Embarrassing Moments |
Failures / Learning From Failures | Family |
Fashion Sense | Fears |
Foibles | Food Experiences / Creations |
Friends | Goals |
Habits | Hobbies |
Idiosyncrasies | Imagination |
Intentions | Interests |
Languages | Learning Processes |
Life Difficulties / Adversity | Life Situation |
Lifestyle | Living Abroad / Immigration Experiences |
Losses | Mastery / Pursuit of High Performance |
Memberships | Moments of Wonder |
Musical Tastes / Experiences | Obsessions (e.g. fandom) |
Parties & Celebrations | Passions |
People Who Built You Up / Helped You | People You've Helped |
Perceptions | Performances |
Personality | Perspective |
Philosophy | Physical Characteristics |
Play & Games | Problem's You've Solved |
Regrets | Relationships |
Religion & Spirituality | Risk Taking |
Sense of Humor | Skills |
Social Life | Sports Experiences |
Stories | Style |
Subculture | Super Culture |
Talents | Taste |
Things You've Learned | Thought Processes |
Travel Experiences | Trouble You've Caused |
Values | Voice |
Weaknesses | Wins |
Wit | Work Experience |
Work Processes | Worldview |