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Concrete things are entities that have a physical presence. This includes anything that can be detected with the human senses or an electronic sensor. Concrete things can be contrasted with abstract things that have no specific physical manifestation. The following are common examples of concrete things.
Air | Animals | Antimatter | Arms | Atoms | Books | Bugs | Classrooms | Clouds | Color | Computers | Continents | DNA | Dallas | Data | Data Centers | Data Storage Devices | Density | Dogs | Dragons | Electricity | Energy | Fingerprints | Fire | Food | Freddie Mercury | Germany | Gold | Gravity | Herds | Ice | Infrastructure | Light | Machines | Mobile Apps | Moonlight | Musician | Neighborhoods | People | Photographs | Planets | Police | Rain | Real Estate | Restaurants | Rocks | Software | Sound | Spacecraft | Speed | Sports Teams | Texas | Thunderstorms | Video Games | Water | Waves | Weight | Wood |
Concrete things are specific things such as a person. Generalizations such as humanity are abstract things.Concrete things are unambiguous things such as sound. Things that involve interpretation or judgement are typically abstract things. For example, music can be considered abstract because you could argue about the definition of music as this definition wouldn't typically rely on strictly physical properties.The line between concrete things and abstract things is often debatable. For example, a family includes physical people. However, families also have intangible qualities such as family culture such that they are also quite abstract.In some cases, things that feel fully intangible actually have a physical presence. For example, data is typically considered intangible but actually resides on physical things such as data storage devices and data centers. Sometimes things are mostly intangible but are considered concrete because they unambiguously exist. For example, software and data are considered concrete because they certainly exist and aren't particularly conceptual. Mythical things such as dragons are concrete if they would have a physical presence if they did exist.|
Type | | Definition (1) | Entities that have a physical presence. | Definition (2) | Entities that have an unambiguous presence. | Also Known As | Concrete ObjectsConcrete Reality | Related Concepts | |
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