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5 Levels of Tech Savvy Bliss

        posted by , March 27, 2013

Let's admit it.

It feels like everyone is tech savvy. That is to say that technology has become a significant part of everyone's life.

Tech savvy is an adjective that's used to described someone who has well developed technology skills.

Most people are proud of their accomplishments with technology. They should be.

Modern technology customers and industry insiders are faced with a constant stream of change. The human ability to adapt to this pace of change is remarkable.

There will be more new technologies introduced in the next five years than have been introduced in all of human history.

Technology savvy individuals interface with technology at very different levels. There's a big difference between an earlier adopter and a trend follower. There's a big difference between a programmer and user.

There are 5 levels of technology savvy:

1. Trend Followers

Trend Followers are comfortable using technology. They use the popular products and services that everyone else uses. They will try new technologies when their friends have tried it first.

2. Power Customers

Power Customers are enthusiastic consumers of new technology who are always happy to check out the latest innovations.

Power customers make or break new technology by trying new products and services first. Power customers influence and motivate others to try their favorite new discoveries.

3. Designers

Designers know how technologies work. They are the engineers and creative professionals who design new technologies.

4. Architects

Architects know how to fit technology building blocks together to make new things. They are the masterminds behind technology products and organizations.

5. Innovation Leaders

Innovation leaders know how to reinvent technology. They are the creative force behind innovative technology ideas, products and architectures.

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