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6 Reasons You Need a SaaS Data Escrow Service

        posted by , November 07, 2018

If you use SaaS software you should give serious consideration to a data escrow service — for 6 good reasons:

1. Vendor Bankruptcy

It's the last position you want to find yourself in — going through the courts to get your data back.

2. Negotiating Power

A SaaS vendor gains negotiating and pricing power when they control your data. If your contract states that your data is protected by a data escrow service — your vendor may be less bold in negotiations.

3. Outages

If the SaaS vendor has prolonged outages you will need your data — for manual workarounds etc..

4. Loss

If the SaaS vendor loses all or a subset of your data — the secure backup service provided by data escrow will be a godsend.

5. Legal Disputes

If you have a legal dispute with your SaaS vendor they will likely hold your data for ransom. It is nice to have a verified copy of the data with a third party.

6. Security

It is highly recommended to take your own backups of SaaS hosted data. However, a data escrow service provides a extra layer of data security.

For example, a angry employee could potentially delete both your SaaS and internal data backups. A data escrow service provides a copy of your data that is secure from insiders.

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