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Enterprise Software: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

        posted by , March 23, 2011

Do you know which software in your organization is strategic? Emerging? Sunset?

Enterprise architecture needs to provide insight into the cradle-to-grave IT life cycle — one method of doing this is to classify all software according to phases.

There are typically 7 phases:

1. Standard

The work horses that are running the company are recognized as standard enterprise software.

2. Conditional

Standard software that has only been approved for use in specific business or technology silos.

3. Strategic

Software that is in the roadmap and will become standard with time.

4. Emerging / Research

Experimental, pilot and evaluation phase software.

5. Sunset

Software that is scheduled for retirement in the roadmap.

6. Retired

Phased-out software.

7. Blacklisted

Software that has been explicitly banned - such as file sharing apps or games.

Beyond Software

The same classification scheme can be used for all enterprise building blocks including software, platforms, tools, services and infrastructure.


enterprise software lifecycle

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