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Resume Oriented Architecture

        posted by , April 26, 2011

Resume Oriented Architecture(ROA) — when a architect chooses a technology or approach just to pad their resume. It happens all the time — more often then not it is purely subconscious. People tend to make choices that benefit themselves — its only natural.

This five point check will help you detect ROA:

1. Is the technology trendy or a high demand skill?

Yes = possible ROA

2. Has the architect successfully implemented the technology in the past?

No = possible ROA

3. Does the technology compliment the existing technology stack? (does not duplicate existing technology etc...)

No = possible ROA

4. Is the technology overkill for the business problem at hand?

Yes = possible ROA

5. Does the architect have a realistic business case?

No = possible ROA

Architects are only human — human factors influence architectural decisions. Beware of architects that pick trendy technologies that look good on a resume but don't benefit the organization.

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