Advanced materials such as titanium alloys | Air conditioners |
Air purifiers | Aircraft |
Antibiotics | Augmented reality |
Batteries | Chatbots |
Chemical dyes such as hair dye | Computers |
Contact lenses | Cryptography and encryption |
Cup noodles | Data storage devices |
Databases | Digital cameras |
Digital clocks | Digital currency |
Digital music | Digital wallets & payments |
DNA sequencing | Drones |
Electric bicycles | Electric vehicles |
Electrical grids | Electronic music |
Elevators | Escalators |
Facial recognition technology | Fast food |
Fiber-optics | Frozen meals |
Gene editing technology | Genetically modified organisms |
Headphones & earphones | High speed rail |
Home appliances | Instant foods such as instant mashed potatoes |
Language translation technology | Lasers |
Medical devices | Medical implants |
Memory foam | Microchips |
Microwave foods such as microwave popcorn | Microwave ovens |
Mobile apps | Modern fashions |
Modern medicines | Modern musical instruments such as synthesizers |
Modern sports gear | Modern sports shoes |
Modern toys such as talking dolls | Movies |
Nanotechnology | Navigation devices |
Network technology such as routers | Payment systems |
Plastic | Power tools |
Radar | Refrigerators |
Remote controls | Robotics |
Satellites | Modern scientific instruments |
Sensors | Skyscrapers |
Smart cards | Smart glass and windows |
Smart toilets | Smartphones |
Smartwatches | Smoke detectors |
Social media | Software |
Solar panels | Spacecraft |
Speakers | Speech recognition technology |
Sports stadiums | Streaming media |
Submarines | Surveillance cameras |
Synthetic chemicals such as pesticides | Synthetic fabrics |
Televisions | Touchscreens |
Vaccines | Video conferencing |
Video games | Virtual reality |
Wearable technology | Weather sensors |
Wireless technology |