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Personal things are elements of your personal life that are potentially private in nature. This can be contrasted with other elements of your life such as your profession, business or school life. Generally speaking, talking about personal things is friendly. However, depending on the situation, keeping personal things to yourself may be perceived as more professional, productive or advisable. For example, some employers may ask employees not to discuss personal things in front of customers. The following are illustrative examples of elements of life that are potentially personal.
Aesthetics (e.g. favorite art) | Attitudes | Beauty / Grooming | Books | Character Strengths | Character Weaknesses | Characters / People You Identify With | Childhood | Creative Expressions | Cultural Participation | Dating / Romance | Diet / Nutrition | Disagreements / Adversaries | Diy Projects | Dreams / Goals | Emotions / Feelings / Mood | Entertainment | Epic Experiences | Failures | Family | Fashion | Fears | Films | Finances | Fitness | Friends | Grades | Gratitude (e.g. people who helped you out in life) | Habits | Health | Heroes | Hobbies | Hometown / Places You've Lived | Housing | Inspirations | Interests | Internet Habits | Journal / Diary | Leisure | Life Events | Lifestyle | Likes / Dislikes | Music | Nightlife | Opinions | Parenting | Past | Personal Accomplishments | Personal Adversity | Personal Disappointments | Personal Hygiene | Personal Needs | Pets | Philosophy | Politics | Religion | Routines | Sense of Wonder | Social Life | Spirituality | Style | Successes | Talents | Travel | Video Games / Virtual Worlds | Wellness | Work History | Worldview |
NotesPersonal things depend on the context. For example, your sense of style could be viewed as professional if you're a fashion designer.
Personal Things
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