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 | | AcademicB.Sc. Honors in Computer ScienceCareerMore than 20 years working for investment banks in the United States, Japan and Singapore as an enterprise architect. Hands-on type with much coding and systems architecture experience. Management experience includes managing development, operations and architecture practices and teams. WritingConcurrently with my IT career, I've been writing daily for more than 20 years about music, travel, management and life in general. I appear to have a particular interest in creating lists that are collectively exhaustive and somewhat mutually exclusive. Founded Simplicable in 2010.InterestsCarpentry, sailing, winter sports and inefficient bicycles.Social MediaCurrently not active on social media but I do have an old account here:https://x.com/simplicablejohnPlease keep in mind, that I currently don't update or monitor this account in any way. I might get back into it at some point. |
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